Boy, all this food looks really good. I just wish I could have been cooking all weekend. Kids had VBS and I always get talked into helping out. Problem was that yesterday and today it was from 4-6:30pm and we had to be there by 3:30 since my son and I were helping, youngest daughter was one of the "subjects". Oh, and wifey had to work this weekend (bad excuse) so I had to attend. Kinda hard to prepare a meal with that schedule. Today was the final program and I had no responsibilities, so I dropped them off, helped move some tables for an ice cream social they were having afterwards, then came home to do some much needed garden work and fired up the kettle grill for some dogs and lamb burgers when they got home. Finally a real meal!
I did smoke cook a 8 1/4lb pork butt for our outdoor service and picnic today (the church is all decorated up, so every year we go to one of the local parks for the service and meal). But it's no fun when you're cooking the butt and can't down a few six packs while cooking it. Becomes more like work than fun (another reason I don't work for a brewery, I've had offers). I will say the NC vinegar based bbq sauce I made was rather tangy, spicy and cut nicely through the fat in the pork (vinegar, red pepper, black pepper, ketchup, a touch of kosher salt and sugar - piedmont style). I have enough pork left for two sandwiches, so I think they liked it.