When you are first mixing up your dough (don't know if you use a mixer with a bread hook or do it by hand), put all of the ingredients in except the salt and about 1/2 cup of the flour. The idea is to get a really wet dough and not add the salt, which inhibits the uptake of moisture by the gluten proteins in the flour. Let it hang out and rest for about 10 minutes minimum. Then after the 10-20 minute rest, add the salt and the rest of the flour and proceed with making your dough.
Rest it for a minimum of overnight in the fridge and up to 4 days. It develops flavor and allows the gluten to keep absorbing moisture (do this in the fridge).
About 4 hours or more before you are going to try and form the dough, pull it out of the fridge and let it warm up to room temperature.
When to room temperature, make it into a thick disk on a floured board or counter. Cover with a paper towel and let it hang out for 15 or more minutes. Then pull or roll to 1/2 its intended size. Let it rest again for at least 5 minutes, 10 is better.
At that point it should be really easy to pull a thin crust with little or no "bounce back".
Hope that helps.