Paul, that looked pretty good, so picked up a "fire sale" small (just south of 3 lbs) chuck roast. Cooked on the weber kettle with some hickory chunks, once it hit 155, wrapped in foil and hit the spurs until 180 (was racing the clock for dinner). Let rest (went up to 194) until it fell to 160, sliced. Called a poor man's brisket. Way more tender than a top round (london broil) and more flavorful.
Served with some fried slice taters, a simple salad and some sauted mushrooms and onions for me. Very satisfying Friday meal (and pretty easy as well). Yum!

Served with some fried slice taters, a simple salad and some sauted mushrooms and onions for me. Very satisfying Friday meal (and pretty easy as well). Yum!