What's for Dinner?

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ive done the drunk mussels - meh!
once u have these u will never go back
had these/been making these for 30 years - i was working in Kahnawake, Quebec - on the Reserve -i went to a little Italian restaurant in Montreal
and i had these - i was blown away - i asked the waiter and he told me the sauce
I made these Portuguese mussels for the second time tonight. They are tasty!

No pictures because I was timing the pasta, mussels, and bread. Can't sacrifice a fine meal!

Actually I was probably just too excitable to eat. We now refer to the curried mussels we had on the waterfront in Nova Scotia as the second best mussels we have ever had. That is high praise, but these are the best!

This is the recipe @tullamore shared with me many a month ago. Yikes, it was a year ago and I just got around to trying it last month.


I was going to enlist google for visual stimulation, but this is the picture Tullamore shared that got my attention. This is a must try!

@vinny , your chicken looked good, so since it's so nice here today (high 70s, nice breeze, no clouds, low humidity) I decided I needed to grill one of those. Yum!

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I find my life is the most rewarding when I am encouraging and enabling. Thank you for the honorable mention!
I've never been a zucchini fan, but tend to like it when at a Japanese steak house. I decided to try grilling it to see if I'd like it better.

I chopped 3 small zucchini along with a small onion and 8 oz baby bella mushrooms, then marinated for a few hours in a homemade Italian dressing.

It came out good.


We've got warmer weather coming on the way, next week should be 90s with much higher humidity. Currently it is 77*F with a dewpoint of 52*, so very nice and dry, was refreshing this morning (50* when I left for work). So, had to take advantage of that (took 1/2 day at work) to get some much needed yard work done...and maybe cook something in the driveway. Only have 6 1/2 hours to get it done but I'll push the temps up a bit. Can always throw it in the crock pot tomorrow if it fails to get done today. Only 7 1/3 lbs, so not a real big one, bone in of course. Have it resting over a pan w/water and apple cider vinegar. Using hickory wood for added flavor. Simple salt/pepper/smoked paprika rub.


Hopefully Yum!
I impressed myself tonight. We have been doing burgers cooked on sauteed onions on the bbq griddle. It adds a nice flair. I was in the mood for something aggressive tonight. Blue cheese was calling, but I was plumb out. :oops:

I did donairs recently so I decided on feta, but at every level I kicked it up. Defrosted ground and added some brisket trimming aiming for about 80/20. Made some tzatziki. grilled the onion with mustard, topped with the burger, then cheese. I chose mozza 'cause I was topping with feta. Grilled the buns. Served with tzatziki, feta, pickled jalapenos, lettuce, tomato, bacon, and a big old slab of raw onion.

Subtle, like a punch in the face! 😄

Maybe the best ever, but certainly pushing on my best work.

I had to step on it to get it in my mouth! 🤤
This morning Mrs. WM81 wanted steak for dinner, but we used up the whole strip we purchased some months ago. Checked Harris Teeter -- no good prices, so my instructions were to look at fish to grill.

Fish prices were not good, but I found a large package of boneless strip steaks at a good price (well ... what currently is "good"). Plus they had Chilean sea bass cakes. Plus fresh bread ... garlic bread is now on the menu.

The steaks are 20 oz each ... WAY too big, but we'll have leftovers. I was cooking the garlic for the bread (press a LOT of garlic into olive oil, soften it, then remove from heat, add butter, and freeze it). Mrs. WM81 came in the house and exclaimed, "That smells great!".

There are NO vampires within 300 yards of our house, nor within 2 miles down wind. If a vampire tried to enter my house it would instantly turn to ash from the garlic fumes. Preparedness is everything when dealing with undead.

Steaks and marinated veggies on the grill. Garlic bread went on the grill for 2 minutes @ 500 F after the steaks came off. Bottom is a bit crispy, top is sort of golden. Mrs. WM81 ate 2 large pieces before sitting down. This is totally unlike her, so it's obvious she loved it. I have the other half of the loaf and more garlic butter, so she will be treated to more on a different day.

Mrs. WM81 loved the Chilean sea bass cakes. I can't take much credit, except for frying them. However, we'll do them again. Steak was great. Marinated zucchini and yellow bell peppers works great. Leeks do not -- too crunchy, chewy, and stringy. Not a good choice for grilled veggies.

Wine is my 2020 Meritage.
