Getting about 110 lbs of Cab Franc grapes locally, so wanted to start trying some Cab Franc wines and get a feel for what I should be aiming for. Our State store system is set up with different types of outlets. Luckily I have one pretty close to me (Hanover) that carries all kinds of obscure wines. They actually have a room, much like Total Wine down near Boatboy, that I don't dare to walk into, because a misstep could cost you a few thousand dollars, if you're lucky.
So I asked the "guy" what Cab Franc 80%+ bottles he had around. He led me to a 2013 Barboursville Cab Franc from Virginia. Now so happens I had read about their efforts in a book my kids bought me at Christmas (Grapes & Wines), and they gave it a pretty good review just by being mentioned in the book. This is an incredibly good wine. I've had other local Cab Francs that seemed a bit on the "green" side, this one is in one word, awsome. If you can get it, try it. Nice nose, no up front bitterness I usually get in East Coast unripe wines. Nice oak, nice fruit, but not over the top, just not what I expected in a good way. I'd say it is more like a Loire Valley wine than a California or Argentinian version. Looking on the website my wife and I might have to visit for an anniversary trip. Lot's of local wineries in their vicinity.
Cooled the bottle (you can see the condensation on it) but warmed to 62*F, the bottle suggests 65*F, so I figured I was close enough.
BTW, if my batch this Fall comes remotely close to this wine, I will be ecstatic, seriously ecstatic. I plan on finishing this bottle tonight and will have to deal with the ramifications tomorrow, if any.