What's in your glass tonight?

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With all the boxing up of wines for competitions I stumbled across about 15 Shiraz (75%) Cabernet Sauvignon (25%) blend I bottled last year. Gotta love the bottom shelf in the dark corner. Quite delicious I might add but I need a better inventory system because right next to it is a Shiraz Viognier blend that is the most beautiful color and I may consider chilling for tomorrow!
Found a 375ml Forza (last one, argh). Started 7/24/15. Only change was to use RC 212 for the yeast. Finished to .993. I've given a few of these 375's away, but I think this is the first one I've had in quite a while.

First thing I notice is that the fruit, which was almost candied at times with earlier tastings, has lost that candi taste and has smoothed out a bit. There is definitely a dark fruit sweetness, just not as "sugary" as before, much more mellow and plum like, it doesn't dominate the flavor as with earlier tastings. The raisiny flavors have also died down and integrated in with the overall fruitiness of this wine, though they are still there. Tannins were very bracing early, they are normal, much more like a Cab/Merlot blend than a straight Cab. Also just noticed that the overwhelming alcohol from earlier tastes is not noticeable at all.

Can't wait for this wine to reach two and then three years old. I've got 24 750's left, so I have a chance to have a few make it the distance!

Edit: this is way better than the last time I tasted it!
Edit #2: maybe I can't taste it, but there is still a bit of alcohol in this one. May the forza be with you!
Edit #3: It's Friday. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Etid4#: woke up - playing a little Moody Blues - On The Threshold of a Dream
Edit #5: moving to a Chianti Classico Riserva, still listening to the Moody Blues
Edit#6: R.E.M. Out of time - now I'm in trouble...
Edit #7: Some Eric Clapton - 24 nights; this should do it...I hope

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Twas mine. ::

Twas' mine yesterday! But I think you might be one or two years older than me. I'm 46 (50 - 4; you count backwards once you reach 50, right?).

Bought me a bottle of Banfi Chianti Classico Riserva, but was a 2012, couldn't find the 2011. Sigh...still tastes pretty good compared to the drool I usually buy.
Twas' mine yesterday! But I think you might be one or two years older than me. I'm 46 (50 - 4; you count backwards once you reach 50, right?).

Bought me a bottle of Banfi Chianti Classico Riserva, but was a 2012, couldn't find the 2011. Sigh...still tastes pretty good compared to the drool I usually buy.

Happy belated, Craig.
But this is a white wine and not a red, plus its Sauv Blanc which can be drunk almost after it has cleared plus its from down under so seasons are reversed so its older than anything on this side of the equator. Still young, yes but SWMBO picked it out and served it for my BD dinner. Its owned by the same people that own Kim Crawford. Not as much lemon grass which is what I love about NZ SB. WE review for 2015 had this to say "Struck flint and tomato stalk on the nose lead into a medium-bodied wine with strong citrus overtones. White grapefruit and green leafy notes linger on the dry finish."

How so?

2016? And you accuse @geek of robbing the cradle!!? :)
Last night I opened the last bottle of my WE Eclipse Riesling.
As I had said before, I don't think I am going to make this kit anymore.
It's old enough but I do not know why it is so meh...
I gave my son a case of my plum wine from 2014 way back when. Yesterday I saw he still had a lot of it left and brought 2 bottles back home with me and had a glass of it today with dinner. NICE!! I will be taking him my last 7 bottles of blueberry which he likes and I'm not that crazy about and trading them for my plum wine back. Win win! :D
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Felt the same way about mine. Going back to Cellar Craft the next time out.

Last night I opened the last bottle of my WE Eclipse Riesling.
As I had said before, I don't think I am going to make this kit anymore.
It's old enough but I do not know why it is so meh...
Patience has its rewards :)

Enjoying the apple wine I made a year ago. Now I understand what all of you mean about being patient! Last year NASA could have used this stuff to launch rockets into the far reaches of outer space :) Trust me I nearly dumped it all but I stuck it in the back of the cabinet and forgot about it. Today it is incredibly smooth. :ib A bit sweeter than I usually drink but for a first effort it's not bad. Where's the smilie for patting self on the back? :)
Having @ceeaton 's 2015 Chardonel. This was from fresh grapes he got locally. MLF and a little bit of oak - ~13.5% ABV. I've never had a Chardonel before, but it reminds me of Chardonnay. This one doesn't show the oak that was used - more like a SS aged, unoaked Chardonnay. It is very crisp with a little bite. Nice body and mouthfeel.
Drinking a SE Valpolicella kit, added 6 lbs of used Dornfelder skins, plus 2 lbs of sugar to boost the SG to 1.087, kept in the carboy for 8 months, then bottled and trying at 3 months in the bottle. This is pretty good for so young. Soft edges yet full bodied taste, definitely can tell there is some oak but doesn't dominate. Cherries dominate the overall flavor profile. Nice second hand flavor on the burp (had some beer before this). Really looking forward to how this develops over time, I'm very hopeful it will continue to progress and turn out to continue to be a good wine.
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Last night I opened the last bottle of my WE Eclipse Riesling.
As I had said before, I don't think I am going to make this kit anymore.
It's old enough but I do not know why it is so meh...

Very disappointing. Mine is still aging in the carboy. :(

I'm not so happy with the two bottles of 2015 Columbia Crest Yakima Valley Reserve Dry Riesling either.
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