when good wines gone bad

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Question for Joe.

The WE kits I have purchased (4 total with the last being Eclipse) all have the EC-1118 yeast included. The Eclipse kit also included KV-1116 yeast which appears to be better suited for flavor and aroma. I've seen the chart regarding yeast but still have questions on when to change and to what... When you are stepping outside the box, do you often change the yeast since this appears to me the first step in creating good wine? I can understand the addition of oak an other additives for mouth feel but the yeast kicks off the party.

I hate the thought and I am hesitant of spending $100+ and 12 months of time investment to have 28 bottles of bad wine.

EC-1118,is all purpose,which wine kits are you starting?, with that in mind go to the charts and see which yeast applies ,if your still un certain then by all means use what they have given you, or step out side the box, as long as the yeast is better designed for your style of wine why not use it?EC1118-IS THE CURE ALL ,GOOD LOW TEMP/GOOD HIGH TEMP/CONDITIONS, can't go wrong/ and that's why they give it to you..:try
Finished product

THIS, has been a fun time for me and my Kate with the kit coming out I thought was a great tribute to a every day table wine in ITALY, quick turnaround. And not that expensive as kits go.....it can be done...:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u

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Vineland NJ Amateur Wine Competition Aug 10, 2013

Vineland NJ is holding their annual Amateur Wine Competition to be held in the city of Vineland, NJ.
It's free to enter, just send in 3 bottles.
I am attaching the form for everyone to download.
Instructions are on the form.
I wont be entering as I will be helping orchestrate it, so now all of you have a chance to win!!


View attachment 2013 wine competition entry form.pdf
Hey Joe just read through the whole thread thanks for the great information. I skipped over this tread in the past cause it was so long and didn't have the time to invest and I wanted to start from the beginning. Since I'm a newbie and I've been so busy lately (you know how that is) I've been just skimming through the Forum honing in on a few certain topics. I finally got some time to go through it and thanks again for the different slant on things. Bravo Joe.:br
Joe, the Sangiovese was terrific. I opened it last night and gave it about 15 minutes. It is as good as any red wine I have ever purchased, the oak really comes through. Thanks for sharing.
Party wine kits

Blackberry Lime Daquiri Wine Kit (Party Wine!)

Get all your equipment sanitized before you start

Get your kit, empty out the contents and make sureeverything is there

Empty the large bag into the primary. Add a little bit ofspring water to the bag and swish it around to get whats left over and add thatto the primary, too. (Don’t waste any!)

Top up your primary fermentation bucket to 3 gallonsexactly. (This is important that you are exact. I pre-marked my bucket just tobe sure that I’m on target.)

Take your specific gravity now. It should measure 1.10

Next, sprinkle the bentonite onto the surface of the wine. Stirfor about a minute.

Next, sprinkle the yeast on top. Don’t stir.

Cover the fermenter and let it sit for 10-14 days (or untilSG reads dry)

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2 Everything included with kit.jpg

3 The Ingredients.jpg

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party wine kits

party wine kits are basically a BASE wine white ,red or other and a fpac, we know what they are ,the astonishing flavor combo's these manufactures can come up with are incredible.:u

The only trick I do to these kits is boost the ABV. to 1.10 in the beginning and make sure they go dry, follow the process and you really can't miss, and yes they fall short of capacity in the primary stage but it works out in the end, always keep in mind these kits are made to be made and drank, honestly aging these ? the aging process they get in my house is which one my wife and her lady friends lands on first..... :u
I have to make a public comment on Joe's Sangiovese. I had it with some manicotti and sausage, homemade sauce and homemade bread. It is without a doubt one of the best wines I have ever had. I can only imagine where it will be in about 2 years. Great job, Joe and Kate. You really nailed it.
sangiovese in reiew

IT, was and experiment ,a good example of a average kit could with work be much better. Thanks rocky for you kind words.
I'd really wish if all of Joe's tricks are documented in a single Word/PDF doc?
I've been reading pages and pages and sometimes getting lost...

Anyone has this consolidated please??

YES, if that is what you would like ,I on the other hand would like to make a SUPER TUSCAN kit , a much greater turnaround radius and more flavorful product if you do it my way, six months or so this one will be a real Al Super Tuscan/ juice will take at least 2 1/2 years
.to come around to some maturity.,. That will make me 67 plus ,See my point . I might not even remember what I'm doing,the coming lineup of wine is as follows have a strawberry, CRU Carmel port, a pineapple concentrate turn into a tasty wine with FPAC, regards to reconstruct a blueberry wine that is already made the problem with the wine is that it has good color good alcohol but light on taste were going to prove that case, I have also on the list in this diffusion hard lemonade rose kit this was on closeout it should be fun to try.

Come the fall when the Italian wines arrived if I get enough people who would like me to do and Amarone juice I be more than happy to do one ,also I have just completed my almond wine next week Katie and I will post pictures of the finished product with all the wine kits ( party wine ) that is ..... Stay tuned thanks for following .:try
Joe.....a single Word/PDF document with step by step ideas/directions???????
Let's have a party

Party wines, straight up process, nothing but fun
. Follow us, will Take be a two-week or more

The Kits are as follows , Daiquiri , Cosmo , piña colada these are all cru kit from the category lounge wines ,interesting and fun to make as well as taste ............................................:wy.

1 The Kit.jpg

2 Everything included with kit.jpg

3 The Ingredients.jpg

4 empty large bag into primary.jpg

5 top up to 3 gals.jpg

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8 dump yeast in.jpg

Sounds like we need a Vote! I vote Amarone Italian Juice Bucket! If no takers, if you would guide me through the process this fall I would be internally thankful.
Never tasted/tried Amarone, so this may be my next juice pail in the fall.
Beginner question: I live in Arizona and do not have access to local suppliers of "juice pails" unless they can be shipped, can they be shipped? There are some vineyards south of Tucson and some young vineyards in Willcox...
