When recycling bottles

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I have a few friends who give me their empty bottles. And I give a few "full" bottles for incentive to save me their empties.

I did collect enough of the same chardonnay bottles for my chardonnay.
And I bought the 375ml bottles for my ports.
I'm going on a tour of Linganore winery next wednesday. I think I'll ask them for empties too.
I was in NYC visiting my son a while back and we stopped at a small upscale restaurant to have a drink about 11:30 PM. There was only one other couple there. We sat at the bar and talked to the bartender. I asked him if he had any empty wine bottles he wanted to get rid of and his face lit up! He had more than my little car could carry! I scored 3 cases of beautiful bottles that he washed then put in boxes for me! He was more than happy to "recycle" them to someone who would use them as they were intended--for wine!
I just picked up a pizza at a family-owned Italian place up the street. When I asked if they had any bottles, they gave me a couple and then apologized because they "usually just throw them away." They said they tried to recycle but kids kept getting into them and breaking them against the building (hey - I live in Detroit). They said they'd save bottles for me this weekend and I could pick them up next week. :)
I started out collecting bottles and cleaning them. Some of the labels floated off easily, some I attacked with a razor, and some were good only for target practice. I have since used only bottles with my label on them as the labels come right off. I have bought some bottles when needed and I reuse them when empty. It adds to the cost of the wine at first, but I am not standing in the garage cursing winemakers I don't know for using super glue to attach their labels.