Hi! I made 2 gallons of Dragons Blood which has been racked into two demijohns, I used Campden tablets and stabilised. They have been sitting for a week now. One has been acting differently, there are tiny bubbles still rising (which I assume is just degassing) and today I noticed small white spots on the neck surface. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo but I did a gentle swirl and they washed away quickly. Having fermented vegetables on a regular basis I'm aware of Kahm yeast but I wasn't expecting that this would be a thing in wine making and not sure if it's harmful to the wine.
Of course, the most disturbing thing is this is only happening in one of the vessels which makes me worry that I did something bad.
Any thoughts and advice most welcome...even if it is to put it down the drain! I need a free demi anyway
Of course, the most disturbing thing is this is only happening in one of the vessels which makes me worry that I did something bad.
Any thoughts and advice most welcome...even if it is to put it down the drain! I need a free demi anyway