Why should I buy a Wine Kit?

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Nuff said???? almost 8000 members cant be wrong huh Troy!!! I understand why people may say kits are cheating or something like that but really its all about just not wanting to or not having the room to have a crusher/destemmer, a press and all the other stuff to do grapes properly or like said above also with grapes and juice buckets you are very limited to what you can make.
If there were no wine kits I am quite sure I would not be making wine at all especially wine from fresh grapes. It was something I always wanted to do but I had other hobbies that seemed to take up all my free time and energy and $$$.

When my wife and I became "empty nesters" a few years ago I had lots of free time on my hands. The kits were an easy (safe) way to learn the craft. They gave me the confidence to try my hand with 200lbs fresh grapes a year ago, 800lbs this Fall and who knows how much next year especially since I also planted 30 vines in the garden in the backyard 2 years ago this coming Summer. :sm

I will always be very grateful to the kit manufacturers for making it easy for anyone to get into this hobby/obsession!
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Perhaps someday when I retire in a few years. We only have a small fortune saved up for retirement at the moment. They say you need a large fortune to make a small fortune selling wine. I might need a good tax shelter by then! :)
One thing to consider. It takes as much time and effort to make and bottle a cheep wine kit as it does an expensive one. To that add the equipment that you have to buy as well as the bottles you will have to round up and clean. Then there is the months that you wait for your wine to properly age.

Given the fact the time and effort is pretty much fixed in making a batch of wine the few dollars more that you spend for a premium wine kit tends to be less significant when it come time to enjoy the fruits of your labor as you will have better wine.
Good point, CB. Fixed and variable cost analysis is something that is often overlooked. The incremental cost is almost negligible in the overall scheme of things.
Just started the new Mosti Mondiale Impressions kit which has the biggest grape pack out of them all. Excuse me, I didnt start it yet, its down in the cellar warming up to room temp. I got a littl ahead of myself there LOL. Its the Barolo!
Wade i cant believe it!!What happened i thought it was all over for the kits???:slp
One thing to consider. Then there is the months that you wait for your wine to properly age.

This is the time spent in the vineyards if you have one, bottling the previous years harvest, racking barrels and updates in the winery and tasting room. Never a dull moment. This doesn't even take in the marketing aspect, weekend events and working out the budget and paper work from the previous year and for next year.
Rock, I just didnt have any mney when it came to getting grapes this season and I dont think Nebiolo is one that is offered to boot. The one grape I did order didnt even come through either!

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