I tried adding wild grapes to a kit of Barlolo. Worst stuff ever. I think the grapes were not ripe enough. That was 2013 and I still have most left. (That's because Rocky told me to be patient). I put the grapes in the batch in the evening in the basement, the smell was so bad it woke me up in the night upstairs. I took out the grapes but it was to late. Smelled like a dead skunk.
To this day when we host a wine tasting I put out a bottle "The worst wine I ever made" Everyone has to try it. After 7 yrs it has a very spicy flavor, it's not a favorite of mine but it is now drinkable. It makes the best
Boeuf Bourguignon.
So be careful about foraging for additives. I would try service berry or coke cherry, but I never beat the birds to them. Mulberry might be a good choice. No matter what happens don't pitch it. Time definitely helps even the worst batch of wine.
As plants go, if you add anything like rosemary, or thyme, keep it to a very small amount, 1 tsp/6 gal. A little goes a lonnnng way. I once added 2 tbs coffee to a 6 gal batch, I had to spread that out over 24 gal to get it to the point that all you tasted was coffee.
Have fun
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