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Another awesome fall sunset....the color of the deer hunters garb....


No deer hanging in our camp tonight...too fussy I guess....
Wow NW,

That is awesome! Looks like fire in the sky. Great photo!
pkcook said:
Wow NW,
That is awesome!  Looks like fire in the sky.  Great photo! 

I found to take good sunrise and sunset photos....zoom up on really gathers light and colors.
Here is photo of the same sunset taken with the Binocular/ lens or anything...turned out really odd...kind of eire....


My honey had taken the regular binoculars to the deer stand...I had been watching the geese with the Bino/Cam.... took some photos and ended up with some short movies...[wish I could Post the little movies here]
He had been taking the Bino/Cam to the deer stand to get photos of is too easy to change the settings from photo to movie mode that he was bringing home movies of deer and the inside of his leaves this Bino/Cam home now....Edited by: Northern Winos
Nice NW now my laptop has an Orange sky and my desktop has a Purple sky
Sweet pics and Ialso have new desktop photos...Thank You NW.

I guess you have figured out the picture loading and that makes me happy since I was bummed a few members were having trouble and I couldn't figure it out !
Thanks Masta...gald you enjoyed the photos...
I haven't figured it out either...what I do is hit the Up-Load Icon before it is fully loaded and in view....and the Up-load box appears so I can then load a photo....I can only Up-Load one photo per post.. getting by...will someday figure it out properly..or it will fix itself.
smiley5.gif when I get Email notification of a Post I am watching ...when I click on th e Link the first page of Posts comes up...instead of the last that just me????Edited by: Northern Winos
Yea one photo is about all you can upload at a time NW. Its funny, we
both had problems with pictures, but different problems. Some of those
batches were 2 or 3 gallon batches but just dont have or will not buy
any smaller carboys so I just age them in gallon jugs as thyre free
from the recycling center as all my bottles are. I get about 10 to 12
every Sat. To bad I just cant get there in time during the week due to

We all look at the same moon and it's just as beautiful no matter where in the worldwe see it from.

NW....You are getting some awesome photos !! What type of camera are you using?

Here's my version of morning! See what you sleeper-iners miss?

Waldo, the slight rise on the left is the southern end of my drumlin.

Good morning everyone!
Joan...I waited for the sun to come's wasn't that pretty today...kind of frosty around here this morning...
Waldo said:
NW....You are getting some awesome photos !! What type of camera are you using?

My digital is a little Fugi, not expensive.

The moon and a few other photos were taken with a Capture View Binocular/ is very sensitive to movements...and the setting get changed real easily....I was watching the geese in the field the other day and when I went to take photos they turned out to be little videos....¤t=IMG_0003.flv¤t=IMG_0002.flv¤t=IMG_0001.flv

You might be able to watch them at the PhotoBucket Site....I don't know how to move them here....

My husband use to take the Bino/Cam to watch deer and take photos...many times he came home with short videos of deer and the inside of his jacket...Edited by: Northern Winos
I love the videos! I'll bet all those honkers were noisy! =)

Did you manage to avoid the snow?
Joan said:
I love the videos! I'll bet all those honkers were noisy! =)Did you manage to avoid the snow?

Those geese were so day I thought Jim forgot a tractor running....
The day I took those little video clips he was in a deer stand right under them ...they went over at tree level...he thought twice and didn't look up anymore...saying 'ahhh' with his mouth deer to see that day....
He has taken friends out in the tractor [the geese aren't scared of the tractor] and they have shot a few...we aren't fond of goose.The tractor tires were sticky with 'goose grease'.
I took those goose video clips and the sunset photos from my computer is good!!!

We have had beautiful weather, 50's*F and in the 60's* snow here....we had a dusting last week, but it was gone by noon....The storm went south of us.

Now we have WINDS OF CHANGE....North winds came up a couple days ago [like 45MPH] and the temps have really dropped....was 11*F this morning when Jim went hunting...Today...South winds and will get to the 40's* fall is fickle in this neck of the woods....Edited by: Northern Winos
Our neighbor is home for the winter from Alaska, He wanted to set out some goose decoys and lay on the cold ground to get a couple....Jim took home out in the tractor last week and he got a couple....


See...we did have snow last week...


He brought back two Alaskan girls for deer hunting and ice fishing [later on]...they said these geese are twice the size of the ones in Alaska...they must have all the babies up there...
oh my NW.........the dreaded red x is all I see. No snow, no Alaskan girlsEdited by: Waldo

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