Question- is that food safe if so I really would like to try that ,,very cool..
Did you just question if the drinking water filter for an entire house was "food" safe?
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Question- is that food safe if so I really would like to try that ,,very cool..
Did you just question if the drinking water filter for an entire house was "food" safe?
Its not quite as compact as the Buon Vino but it also does more!
The advantage the vacuum pump and whole house filter have over the buen mini jet is that you can also use the pump to rack your wine even up hill. You will never have to lift a full carboy again to siphon rack it. It's a beautiful thing once you use it a couple times. You can likely get a pump and filter set up for a few dollars more than a Buen Mini Jet if you look around.
I lOVE having a vacuum pump ... I also picked up a WH filter unit a few days ago.
The vacuum pump is also handy for bottling.
In summary, vacuum can be used for:
I only paid $60 for my pump, $32 for the bottle filler, $22 for the WH filter.
That's a lot of bang for the winemaking buck.
(( The pump is a used ))
The rest of the stuff is easy to get. Dble drilled bungs I sell and even the elbows to fit the bungs and if you want to filter then you can go to a Home Improvement store and get a whole house filter canister and a filter just like the one above or in my pic below. The filter is mounted under the counter top on the right side of the screen. You can rack up hill meaning youll never have to lift a full carboy off the floor, you can degas your wine better then any other method out there, you can filter your wine and even bottle your wine with additional equipment. Ive actually racked wine from my basement floor to my second floor.
Heres a pic of me racking a wine with my pump. That unit on the counter top with the hose sticking up out the top is a bottling unit hooked up to the vacuum aspirator.
Wade, can I ask where you got that single bottle filler?
The unit I have is pretty pricey but from Valley Vinter.
I would love one of these and that is a great deal...did you get it off ebay?