Wine from Apple Cider

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Lookin good, Dan. If I get any more cider, think I will make a mead with it. My bro. in law gave me 5 qts of fresh honey. Have to find something to do with it. Arne.
Ooh, Arne. I love a good cyser.

Dan, that's a big old brute full of cider. My apple wine is nearing the end of fermentation. From 160 pounds chopped into pieces that were too big, I pressed 5 gallons. The "pressed" apples I painstakingly ran through a masticating juicer which got me another 8 gallons. That has a little more pulp in it. I'm fermenting them separately and depending on how they come out, will probably blend them back later. Or I'll leave one dry and make one sweet.

Do you ever oak your apple?
Nice! What was the pre-sugar brix?

I'm chicken and keep my batches at 6 gallons or less. I have 6 of of cider made by a commercial orchard (started at 11 Brix), 5 from organic cider (15 Brix!) and 3 from my own pears (10 Brix).

I tried oaking cider wine once. It was okay but kind of masks the fruit flavors.
Never done cider, but was given 3 5 gallon buckets of the leftovers from a cider pressing. Its in secondary now. Smells wonderful.