Wine Quiz

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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Here is a quiz answer will be posted Wednesday.

Wine Quiz Question
Which of the following grape growth stages is NOT part of the FLOWERING stage?

A. budburst
B. inflorescence
C. set
D. veraison
E. all of the above
Here is a quiz answer will be posted Wednesday.

Wine Quiz Question
Which of the following grape growth stages is NOT part of the FLOWERING stage?

A. budburst
B. inflorescence
C. set
D. veraison
E. all of the above

'D'! That's has to be it!
I gotta go with D too. I just have to ask though. Are you taking viticulture classes Tom?
Nope not taking and classes. Just trying to keep the forum "thinking".
You all will be surprised with the answer.
'A' budburst is in the spring when shoots begin to pop out of the Cane,nothing to do with flowering verb........Inflorescence is a groupe of flowers as opposed to single flowers stage maybe noun......Set is after shatter'most blooms set some shatter "fall off"..And Veraison of course is the green berries in the colored berries bunch thing.A comes before b then c then d.There are no answers depicting actions or parts of the flower proper.This being said I change only to 'E'.............Upper

Wine Quiz Answer: E. all of the above

The events listed all occur during other named phases of the plant development. Reference "Modified E-L System".
I'ld have to guess, but I would choose A.
I've always considered a bud, part of the leafing and branching process. Not really part of the blooming process.
But then, what do I know about grapes other than
I like the wine they make!! :h
New quiz

OK vineyard owners here's one for you
Answers on Wednesday.

Wine Quiz Question

Which of the following selections are real grapevine trellises?

A. Scott Henry, RT2T, GDC, VSP
B. GDC, Tatura, R2D2, VSP
C. Lyre, VSP, Minimal Pruning, veraison
D. All of the above
"A" all the way.By the way Scotts brother John was a trellis of a man..Upper
Even though I've been harvesting off of a HWC(or TWC if you prefer)vineyard all day long today.I'm going with "A" since I carefully read the answers this time.