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Wade very nice, when canI move in
, honestly though very nice job
I just went back over all the pics from the beginning and WOW its incredible what a lot of hard work and effort can accomplish, kudos to you man. Now fill it up and keep the pictures coming.!!
Looking mighty fine there buddy. I know you are proud of it and it will make your wine making experience so much more enjoyable. Again, great job Wade.
Wade: GREAT JOB! Thats a awesome area to make wine. I know you have been looking forward to having that space for a long time.

I wish I had seen the furnace area before, you really need to run a PVC pipe from the out side to the burner area to insure that you have enough air in the immediate area to satify the burners needs. With the door closed, you may not have enough air in the room to have an efficient heater. Something to think about.
jobe05 said:
Wade: GREAT JOB! Thats a awesome area to make wine. I know you have been looking forward to having that space for a long time.

I wish I had seen the furnace area before, you really need to run a PVC pipe from the out side to the burner area to insure that you have enough air in the immediate area to satisfy the burners needs. With the door closed, you may not have enough air in the room to have an efficient heater. Something to think about.

jobe has a great point here about the air supply to the burner as I have seen this problem before. Youwould be very surprised as to volume of air required for the furnace when it is running.

May I alsostrongly suggestgetting a carbon monoxide detector for the room also since a small leak of exhaust fumes could be a serious or worst case fatalproblem you want to avoid.
Thanks everyone, above the furnace where the floor joists are I left
the sheetrock off the ceiling and there is plenty of air flow through
there but if needed I will install louvers on the wall behind the
furnace. As for the carbon mon. detector I have already thought about
it and will install 1 as soon as I go to the store and actually
remember to pick it up!
I would say that room is just about done!
All you need is all your stuff in it, 18 batches in primary and 32 in secondaries and bulk aging! Oh and how about a chair, just to sit down once in a while and have a nice glass of wine and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Batches ready to go under the top and a blueberry melomel Im getting
ready to start way to late but my wife wants the blueberries out of the
freezer! Plus Im dying to get back into action.

wade said:
Batches ready to go under the top and a blueberry melomel Im getting ready to start way to late but my wife wants the blueberries out of the freezer! Plus Im dying to get back into action.

Wade would U mind listing the things u have on that table and their uses, I see Wymans juices and Berries, do u know that they are produced here where I live on PEI. The plant Manager is personal friend of mine hmmmmm I wonder maybe I should phone my old buddy to say hello!!!
Nice room, you need a freezer down there to keep your stuff out of the ktichen freezer.

Really nice!!!!
I need a small freezer as I have a big 1 but not worth firing it up for
4 big bags of blueberries! I need a small one but will keep it for now
for deghorging the champagne then sell it.
wade said:
I need a small freezer

Dude.................. Just go for it, the big one......................

Ya know whats going to happen when you can get a space to hide stuff............ Your going to start sneaking in bags of Sams club fruit......................

Get the big one!
I have the big 1 and its only 1 1/2 years old, just havent been using
it. Trig, those contents are listed under my Blueberry Melomel post.

Edited by: wade
Trim is up, smoke and carbon monoxide detector is up and the iron
curtain is exposed. Behind that is a new oil tank. The old 1 was right
were my countertop is and was in need of replacing. It was in a really
bad spot for it even before we had any plans of this room. It stuck out
from where you come off the stairs.


Wade, what is that red thing on the counter to the left of the primary it looks like it is ashrink wrapsealer or paper towel holder??
oh ya and The black thing at the other end is what?
You need more clutter in there....some awards on the wall...etc.

If you have any of that vinyl flooring material left that stuff is great for lining the shelves and maybe even a nice washable back splash above the counter top.
Wish I had that area.

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