Calibrated my ph meter, got 3.6 on a couple of readings of the Oct 2 picking then decided to check the Ph on the Baco/Temp ferment. By the time I got baco batch out the PH meter stopped working permanently. Must have damaged the bulb somehow, it just reads 00.00 no matter what I did. I ordered a new one, and measured again, 3.65 on one batch and 3.75 on the mostly juice batch, SG down to 1 or less.
The mostly juice ferment seemed to struggle. Got an off smell around SG of 1.04 or so and it just looked horrible. The color was tan brown and the liquid just looked thick.
I decided to rack it, and removed the sludge, smell got a little better, but the off smell was still present. The full grape ferment was down to sg 1.0, smelled great, and looked great so I pressed it and put the pressings in the mostly juice ferment which was also near 1.0 sg. Let the juice with added pressing ferment for 2 more days and then pressed it off. It picked up a ton of color and lost the off smell. This pic is the current state of the juice ferment. I'll probably rack it off to a glass carboy tomorrow.

The full grape ferment used Premiere Rouge yeast and the juice ferment used RC 212. I don't use any yeast nutrients and think the juice only batch must have needed some.
The Tannats have been ripening nicely and the plants with good west sun are at 24-25 brix, the shaded plants are at 22. The remaining Malbecs are moving slow, the sunny Tannats blew right past them. The remaining Malbecs lose west sun and morning sun this time of year and it shows. The grapes vary from 20 brix to 25 brix. With the 25 brix all along the section with the best sun.
I'm debating picking the 25 brix Tannats and Malbecs this evening. 78 today but the next two days are low 50's for the high, then gradually building back to mid 70's by Monday
I occasionally have problems with migrating birds, but the "birdcast" site, (yes there is a birdcast site) seems to indicate that most of the migration is done for this year so I shouldn't be too at risk just leaving everything going.
Right now I'm trending to picking today then maybe the less ripe grapes will move a little faster. Since I doubt I'll let them go past Oct 22 there really isn't much ripening time left.
The Baco/Temp blend (about 45lbs Baco full grapes and 25 lbs of Tempranillo juice from PM damaged grapes) is fabulous, I bottled it and will drink it like a beaujolais nouveau. I'm going to have to buy a bottle of beaujolais nouveau to compare since I've never had any.