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7 1/2 lbs. Thats a pretty good size, whats the biggest youve ever seen or heard?
The biggest one Jim got was 19# and on the same day he got a 12.8# That was awesome...


The the next year the biggest was 17#....

Last year the largest 2 were both day apart.....Each year is different.

A friend got a 24# next to us a few years ago....this year someone has scored a 22#...there are some monsters out there.

The lake we go to is very shallow...some years the fish get low on oxygen and they turn on an aeration device...then the fish are all over near the oxygen....

Last year there was no the oxygen level was very high and the fish we all over the place.

This year....the fish seem in good shape...they are hanging near the bottom, so far the oxygen is good....The depth of the snow makes the lake loose oxygen....then the fish are in danger so the Sportman's club run the aeration to save the fish....then the by: Northern Winos
those are some big fish, how do they taste compared to like a trout or bass?
Those are nice fish NW...... once again.... Im jealous.............

Love Pike and walleye fishing............ and eating them.

Wade: They are a very White flaky meat (softer meat than a sunfish or the like), mild in taste.
The temperature got up to a 'balmy' -9*F...It was sunny and bright outside....but I didn't spend much time outthere....A good day to stay inside and do some bookwork.

It was a busy day at the bird feeders and waterer, most were puffed up...their feathers trying to retain heat....

I spotted this bird there....I have never seen one before and am not sure what it is...

My guess would be a Ladderback Woodpecker or a Red Bellied Woodpecker.....

In my haste and excitement I got a blurry photo...


Anyone know for sure what it is????
NW I believe it is a Red Bellied Woodpecker. The Ladderback has spots on it's chest. This picture looks just like a Red Bellied, except I don't see the slight red spot on the belly-but that is probably just the angle. The red extends over the top of the head correctly and there is orange around the eyes correctly. See if it comes back and zoom in on the belly and that should tell. It should be about 10" tall. The beak is correct also for the Red Belly.

Edited by: appleman
Global a$$...and they forgot to tell the birds otherwise....-12.5*F already this evening.....Poor little guys. Edited by: Northern Winos
Speaking of global warming, I saw something on the news that said Russian scientists say the warming period is over and that the earths cooling cycle has begun now.
He's filling his belly for a long cold winters night.
We have one here are our feeder everyday. I will have to look at it closer to see which one we have.
Well we went from 70 + degrees last weekend so I started some plants in my garden, to this :



Jobe, what State do you live in? And do you have a hot house when you started your garden?
I never start my garden here in southern AZ until Apr!!!!!!
And that's why you left NY for Florida and the North Carolina! It's sitting at about 2 deg right now here in NY, so you are still doing better than if you were still up here.