WMT (Unofficial) Dragon Blood Variant Contest

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I have another batch ready to bottle but its a completely different variant and not as good. I'm hoping time will improve my second batch. My wife is going to deplete my stock of cherry lime which is good but I don't know what the judges will think of it. I'm not sure exactly what they are looking for but it is a very easy (too easy) drinking summer time wine. Maybe ill win??? Yeah right
when do we have to ship our entries? my stock is running low already

Yep, and there is the only downfall to the Dragons... there is never enough.

I have to try hard to keep one in some stage of being made because it seems I'm always running short. I have an 11 gal batch of my "standby" quadberry that should be done in a couple days. Good timing too because my on hand stock is looking pretty pathetic.
Look out. At first I thought my second batch wasn't that good? Just bottled it. I think I've got 2 bottles down. Im thinking its a winner!

I can't be the only one that drunk posts on a wine making site can I?
Sometimes I find I get my best ideas with a few glasses under my belt. Whether or not it's a good idea the next day.... totally debatable.
You are all awesome! I try to stay away from my computer while drinking. I'm clumsy. :dg

The Sweet Strawberry Tart was such a hit over the July 4th weekend (my guests drank a gallon and a half in the course of several hours) that I'v decided to send it in as my entry. The judges will also recieve a bottle of my Dragon Blood just for comparison.

There's still plenty of time. We could still make more! :p
You are all awesome! I try to stay away from my computer while drinking. I'm clumsy. :dg

The Sweet Strawberry Tart was such a hit over the July 4th weekend (my guests drank a gallon and a half in the course of several hours) that I'v decided to send it in as my entry. The judges will also recieve a bottle of my Dragon Blood just for comparison.

There's still plenty of time. We could still make more! :p

Are you sure that isn't bribery Dave?

I was gonna send each of the judges $10 but I figured that was a bad idea

Just kidding Dave, go ahead and send them that bottle
I actually asked Dave if he would send an original because nowhere in my area sells the original berry mix. I thought it might be nice if my judging panel experienced the original along with the variances, so they have a base to make a comparison to.
Bottled my Pomedragon Saturday morning. The color is really awesome, like I've been hearing all along, and flavor is bright and intense. Now to come up with a label, I'm kind of stumped on this one. Got a family get-together/vacation at the Grand Canyon next week. I'm thinking I'll bring a case of this along to share. Hopefully get some honest feedback.



It's beautiful, Mike. Great job! The family will be pleased, I'm sure.

And yes, freqflyer, the rule is the top two (or three?) must share their recipies/variations...so we can all make better wine.
Bottled already??? Guess I am behind!! Time to find that carboy and get cracking on it:)

Very nice color:). It will make my white look ill..... How about a blind taste testing? :)

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I might start another batch in the next day or so. I can have my own contest at home and send in the best. So far the origin is still my favorite.
Yes, Chase, I know you're anxious...:h

Addresses will be PMed to our contestants in the next few weeks, to have wines in the judges' hand by the beginning of September. Last chance to get a batch going!
Ok, judges, send me your addresses again. I've misplaced them somehow. Who knows!

Anyway, we are about to move forward with shipping! Is everyone ready?

READY!! Best get it sent so I can post my recipe on the Dragon's Blood web page....I unwittingly mentioned it and now it probably appears I'm being a little snooty by not posting the recipe!