WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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Any one see who won this season's series of Survivor? It wasn't the guy with the most experience or the cockiest or the loudest or even the one who did everything by the book and probably deserved to win. It was the little quiet guy who kept his mouth shut and listened, all the while instigating the situation..... just sayin.....
I'm pullin' for ya, Kraffty! :try A C-note to each judge might help, tho...
Julie said:
Oh what you want bragging rights too?:slp LOL, well all they have is two rules and that has to be the coastal white and strawberries!

Yes. At the least I will receive bragging rights for the largest bottle bomb ever mailed cross country.

Edit: I'm afraid I am at a disadvantage. My fly refuses to do any work at all anymore.

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You still have 4 months - think "chopped". In your basket you have white grape juice, strawberries, sugar and any mystery ingredient you can think of and 120 days to make it drinkable. TIME.... STARTS.... NOW.....GO!
Oh I've got the coastal white ready to go. Now to add the secret sauce and the strawberries.
I'm thinking Jim's got a secret weapon in his arsenal. The more I read around here the more I realize he's one of the strawberry Gurus. He's probably got a 25 year old keg of strawberry port buried under one of his fields that he's been saving for just this moment. Two or Three drops in a bottle and we're all left in the dust wondering what the hell happened.

ya'll keep an eye on him:wy
I'm thinking Jim's got a secret weapon in his arsenal. The more I read around here the more I realize he's one of the strawberry Gurus. He's probably got a 25 year old keg of strawberry port buried under one of his fields that he's been saving for just this moment. Two or Three drops in a bottle and we're all left in the dust wondering what the hell happened.

ya'll keep an eye on him:wy

Remember now, I am aiming for last. Not a strawberry guru by any stretch. It's one of the hardest wines I make. I've made lots of mistakes with it and am not really that fond of it. I like bold flavors like blueberry better.
Well, I figured if we shoot for a judging every quarter, the winner can brag inbetween. 90 days bragging rights. Yea, I'll probly go on for a year regardless. :sh

Racked and cleared mine yesterday. Y'all still have the opportunity to conceed. Mine is brimming with awesomeness, with a lingering hint of magnificent! I told you that you are all in big trouble, and it's only your inability to grasp this fact that encourages you to keep trying. The result, unfortunately, will be the same.

<pushing the trash-talk up a notch! ::>

Well, I figured if we shoot for a judging every quarter, the winner can brag inbetween. 90 days bragging rights. Yea, I'll probly go on for a year regardless. :sh

Racked and cleared mine yesterday. Y'all still have the opportunity to conceed. Mine is brimming with awesomeness, with a lingering hint of magnificent! I told you that you are all in big trouble, and it's only your inability to grasp this fact that encourages you to keep trying. The result, unfortunately, will be the same.

<pushing the trash-talk up a notch! ::>


I think you just talked me into being a judge. :)
I just added 3 dozed strawberry lollipops to mine today to sweeten it. I decided to do this instead of using sugar so I don't have to add Sorbet (everyone says you need to add sorbet with sugar). Are there any other shortcuts anyone can help me with. Would I have been better off using strawberry licorice?
Twizzlers are the key, Dan, the red ones.

Dangit! I just gave away my secret weapon! :(
I just added 3 dozed strawberry lollipops to mine today to sweeten it. I decided to do this instead of using sugar so I don't have to add Sorbet (everyone says you need to add sorbet with sugar). Are there any other shortcuts anyone can help me with. Would I have been better off using strawberry licorice?

Got a bargain on dum dums? (Sorry, could not resist). Personally I used strawberry mentos, degassed my wine all at once too.
I am surprised no one has suggested Jolly Ranchers.

I actually tasted a commercial strawberry recently that was that sweet. I pulled the hydrometer out an it came in at 1.050...I am pouring it on my pancakes now.
Jolly rancher wine? Makes me think of jolly rancher water and prison.....

Yeah somebody should try it!
I figure I'm ahead about 28 bottles of a wine I like, any way it works out.
jolly rancher wine hmmm how about a jolly rancher costal white for our next wine, its gotta be a sweet wine 1.030+ finished product haha
Ok, all you contestants/wannabes!!!

I have no idea how to proceed with this contest(s). Do you all think we should make another batch for a January taste-off, or should we wait to see how the stawberry coastal white plays out? I still have two coastal white kits sitting on my shelf. Does anyone else have some left-overs? Do we try another variation on that, or go for something completely different?

One of our esteemed judges suggested a Skeeter Pee Contest. I think we could get more folks involved if we tried Skeeter Pee. Any variation you like! Best Skeeter Pee wines! Maybe we could even get Lon himself involved.

Any other ideas? The floor is open! :pee