WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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hmmm october better hurry, put the chill on this stuff and magically a bottle is empty damn gremlins are back i think hahah
hmmm october better hurry, put the chill on this stuff and magically a bottle is empty damn gremlins are back i think hahah

Slow down there cowboy! My strawberry kool-aid is just starting to drop out and it's leaving streaks. You guys are p!ss!ng me off with all your bragging. Going to try using some beets for color and if that doesn't work I'm dropping my red ink cartridge in the carboy. BEETS...that might be the trick. Ever see what it does to your stools several days after eating them. Beets it is!!
Dan can I use pickled beets? My way of thinking it would kill two birds with one stone since you recommended vinegar in a previous post.

Oh wait the sugar in the pickled beets would probably start fermentation again. Is there a limit on the contest of the ABV? in case I do decide to use my own canned pickled beets and it does renew fermentation.
I except no responsibility for anyone following and tempting my suggestion in this particular thread. Be adventurist, try things. If you don't fail a few times you didn't try hard enough. Damn I gotta quit giving all these tips to competitors.

Seriously Dan, I can't believe you have not posted how you add pig's blood for a deeper color!

Oh crap!!!!! I gave your secret away didn't I? Sorry, :slp
lol pigs blood, im not bragging Dan just sayin October better hurry cause right now i wont have time to use my other kit to make another batch of this haha
honestly this with a mix of code-red mountain dew may be the ticket

looks like ima have to go to the lab tonight :dg
Let's get modern here! Forget the beets and just use the red stool directly. I mean, they make red food dye out of ground-up bugs, so...

Jim you've got a good point as this would add that extra body. I'm just worried about what would happen to the filter...that stinks!:f
honestly this with a mix of code-red mountain dew may be the ticket
Thats funny as I am drinking one right now
When did we say we are sending these off? I thought it was October? I gotta get this stuff bottled pretty soon, I reckon.
When did we say we are sending these off? I thought it was October? I gotta get this stuff bottled pretty soon, I reckon.

James, we are sorry to announce the competition has been cancelled for anyone south of KY in a state that might border NC due to some dangerous pathogens. Since anyone in these states probably already injested this dangerous pathogen go ahead and finish drinking your DB and stress less over a competition you can no longer enter. Enjoy your wine and if there are any changes in the competition Dave will let you know (if you ask).

That's OK Dan. The pickled beets bumped ours up to superb so we drank it all but one. I did save one bottle for Julie to bring back to you in September. I think you will love it as much as we did.
I'm so glad this is not in the Beginner's section! Twizzlers and pickled beets? Joose and pig's blood? Dangerous pathogens??? :s

Back in the real world, I was going to bottle mine yesterday---because it's awesome!---but after bottling two kits, I ran out of corks! Rookie mistake. Ordered 1000 from George to avoid furture shortages. Waiting for corks.

On a side note, I know we decided to do a sweet or semi-sweet wine this time, but I saved a gallon on the side without sugar, and it is really very good! I'm going to bottle this separately and stash it until next year for possible remake in the future.

We'll send out our bottles to the judges first week of October. Mark your calendars!
James, we are sorry to announce the competition has been cancelled for anyone south of KY in a state that might border NC due to some dangerous pathogens. Since anyone in these states probably already injested this dangerous pathogen go ahead and finish drinking your DB and stress less over a competition you can no longer enter. Enjoy your wine and if there are any changes in the competition Dave will let you know (if you ask).

Never have made DB, but that's great news cuz that's 2 more bottles for me! :D
It's been awefully quiet in here!

My Fat Flamingo has been in the bottle for about two weeks, now. I capped and labeled it this past weekend. <forgot to take pictures> This stuff is really good. It came out just as I had planned. I do believe, however, that our judges will be short-changed. I think this stuff will be absolutely delicious about a year from now. I even saved a couple of unsweetened bottles to see how that tastes later on.

You should all have yous in the bottle by now. How is everyone doing on theirs?
Ours is still not in the bottle either. Still sitting in carboys in the cellar waiting for it to clear. We do not filter so it will be awhile. A question though IF the bottles are labeled then the judges will know whose bottle they are tasting. Takes away from the anonymity of the contest in our opinion.