Wonder Wine!!??????

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Senior Member
Nov 19, 2011
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While I was going through some of my dad's wine 'stuff' I found a few 'kits'. Now I'm not curious enough to even try this stuff but I thought it would be an interesting topic here. anybody ever hear or see this before?


Never heard of it, but I would try it anyway. Nothing to loose.
Give it a try. You can only be out of a little water...Its up to you, you van always throw it out.
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First off I would toss it out. Second, did you try and google it to see what you could find out.

It's been hard to throw out any of my Dad's stuff. No I guess I haven't googled it either. Thought I would toss the pics up here to see if you folks had anything to say.
12% alc. - sounds good to me. I would try it. It would be special if it came out good. What's the downside? A little time and water wasted.
I would break up the ingredients, put em in some warm water and see if they will disolve. Next thing, get some new yeast and start er up. Never know what you mite come up with. Arne.
I remember those from many, many years ago - they were quite the rage .. but really not very good!!
I just read this whole post and you lead me to believe that your father may have past away if so sorry for your lost and if this is true and it was me going through my fathers thing I would go ahead and put this wine to the test and make it you have nothing to loose but your time and water and a lot to gain a memory of something your father left you which you will remember the rest of your life so good luck on your decision
WonderWine used to be available in grocery stores in this area a number of years back. It wasn't very good but it was homemade, 12%, and was drinkable (sort of) relatively fast.

When I first started making wine a neighbor asked me if I made real wine or Wonderwine. He indicated that a hot Sat. afternoon consuming Wonderwine might be a good use of our time for nostalgic reasons.
:h then:s
12% alc. - sounds good to me. I would try it. It would be special if it came out good. What's the downside? A little time and water wasted.
I made this many times back in the day worst hangover you ever felt but worked out to like $1.50 a litre lol taught me about how alcohol was made tho lol I could say I almost remember this stuff all ol