Yard sale carboy and corker

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Yard Sale Corker...


I don't know the name of the missing part. I received my Corker / Capper from my parents, who taught me to make wine.

You might take a pics of the missing part and show them to the folks that sold it to you. They may have it still and not know what it is.

You could have one turned on a lath in brass or a dense wood.

Some dimensions:

Over all length 1 7/8"
Top opening .9531"
Bottom opening .7187
It's a cylinder bore down from the top to 1 3/16, then the taper starts down to the bottom opening.
It has a recessed collar so that it sits on top of the bottle.

The piece I have is Non Ferrous Metal.

Hope this helps...
Ya that does help. It was at a yard sale at a storage unit and they didn't even kno what it was and only wanted 3$ for it I have a lathe so I may try that thanks alot

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