Other Yeast not working?

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Sep 25, 2009
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I started a chardonnay on September 13th. It's an Argentia Ridge kit from Costco. I just checked the sg again and it's at 1.010. I think I'm reading it correctly.
Can I add/use another yeast packet to get this puppy moving?
Am I being too impatient?
Is the sg OK?

This hasn't happened before (usually do red and by now it's around .990) so maybe white acts differently???

Any advice would be great! Thanks...
You have almost finished fermenting. Make sure its in a warm area as some yeast dont work in cooler temps. What was the starting gravity? Bet it was around 1.090
Yeast working?

Tom: You're on the mark! It was about 1.090...
Should I use a heat belt? I'm set up in the basement which is cooler of course, here in Cape Breton. Could the belt hurt?
I would rack it to a secondary where it can finish dry.
It does sound like its taking awhile, Im guess you have lower temps then what this kit calls for. Get the temp up to around 75* to make sure it finishes fermenting as the end of fermentation is always where the yeast struggles the most. When I make a wine I always start the fermentation off nice and warm and once shes rocking and rolling I let the wine cool down some and go easy and towards the end I bump it up again to make sure it finishes off properly.
Yeast working?

Thanks everyone...I've covered it up in its blankey (nice and warm) and in about 2 days or so I'll rack it to the secondary, give it some decent time to settle out and recheck sg, then go on from there.