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  1. Minnesotamaker

    Improving my Wine

    The one thing that has always been pounded into my head is that..."90% of a wine's score is earned in the vineyard." I've never been a big fan of the canned concentrates. They'll make wine, but not sure I'd expect it to fare well in stiff competition. Try focusing on finding fruit that is top...
  2. Minnesotamaker

    My strawberry SP

    Brian, I've started making it in 32 gallon batches too. Too many eager drinkers to stay in supply otherwise. I use rubbermaid cans as a primary and the 17 gallon demijohns as the secondaries. Who makes the strawberry breeze concentrate?
  3. Minnesotamaker

    Stainless Steel Bottle Tags

    I use paper neck labels, print them on the home printer. They stay on the bottles, are disposable, use recycled paper, and don't mess up the bottle. The paper is a little longer than the circumference of the bottle neck so that it can be glued to itself. This way you don't have anything to...
  4. Minnesotamaker

    Whew, I already put in a full day! photos

    Sammy, we need to get you some bigger jugs. You only have 30 days worth of wine there.
  5. Minnesotamaker

    Slurry question ?

    The problem you might have with a slurry from a secondary is that it may not be as active. You have a greater chance that the yeast have died from alcohol toxicity. If the alcohol content is low, they may still be OK, but in hibernation. It might take longer for them to get started up on a...
  6. Minnesotamaker

    Frozen Concentrate in Pee

    The way I read your initial question, I assume you are planning to add the concentrate to your batch while it is still fermenting. You mentioned something about using the concentrate in place of the third bottle of juice. The third bottle of juice goes in the batch before it finishes...
  7. Minnesotamaker

    Wine making heaven

    Minnesota is great too. We have an abundance of free dandelions and mosquitoes.
  8. Minnesotamaker

    getting my pee to ferment....

    You should see some activity in a day or two. As for the towel over the primary, you'll be fine. All my Pee in primary gets the towel. I don't airlock until it gets down to and SG of 1.005 when I rack to carboy. As for an airlock, you can make a temporary one if you have a rubber bung and a...
  9. Minnesotamaker

    Used bottles -- this is ridiculous

    So does this mean that when you make wine at home, you'll have to break your own bottles afterwards?
  10. Minnesotamaker

    Quick help!! No slurry pee

    If you're looking for a rapid ferment more characterized by the power of a slurry, you might want to use two packets of yeast.
  11. Minnesotamaker

    Pest Control for Vineyards

    Food grade Diatomaceous earth is used as a fining agent in wine and beer.
  12. Minnesotamaker

    What's with the 7 day wine ?

    Seven days is REALLY SHORT. My guess is you'll end up with something with alcohol in it that tastes pretty bad. Even people who are desperate for alcohol in prison give their product NINE days before consuming. If you're willing to take a step up in quality and wait nine days for it, you...
  13. Minnesotamaker

    First Time Winemaker - Degassing problem

    cgreene, this is what I would do. Leave the airlock on, set the carboy on a thick towel on a slippery countertop or floor. The towel will slide easily on the slippery surface. With the airlock in place, everytime you pass the carboy, slide it back-and-forth somewhat rapidly to shake things up...
  14. Minnesotamaker

    Frozen Concentrate in Pee

    Keith, Cranberry seems to be pretty popular, but I think you can do whatever works for you. Yes, frozen cans of concentrate is what you're looking for. One thing to remember is that there is only a little sugar in a bottle of lemon juice, but in a frozen can of concentrate, there is much more...
  15. Minnesotamaker


    You sure can. I wouldn't use anything "too experimental" though. As long as it has a good flavor. The downside to a smaller slurry is that your total yeast colony will likely be smaller meaning that your ferment will take a little longer to get going.
  16. Minnesotamaker

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome Steve, lots of good info and advice on this site. You'll be making stellar wine in no time.
  17. Minnesotamaker

    Dreaming of a Designated Brew/Wine Space

    Very nice house. I wouldn't ferment in that space. Wine has a habit of ruining carpet and fine furniture. Kitchens, basements, and even bathrooms are sometimes better equipped as a ferment space.
  18. Minnesotamaker

    Potassium sorbate to primary

    Sounds like you have yourself an extra large batch of tasty lemonade. Invite the kids over and have a party. As for an alcohol version, I think you'll need another batch for that.
  19. Minnesotamaker

    Question on how much fruit to use.

    I've never made a watermelon wine. From reading other people's experiences, it is a really troublesome fruit. It seems to spoil before it ferments leaving a nasty sour taste.
  20. Minnesotamaker

    First timer in wiscosin

    Welcome. Lots of really good information here on the forum. Are you really from Wiscosin?