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  1. S

    Plum Wine Recipe Review

    The F-Pac was added and the wine backsweetened, bottled and will soon be on its way to the mountains. Not bad at this stage--just a bit tart. Will give it a year.
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    Blackberry Foam Over

    Secondary. The steamed juice tends to produce considerable scum.
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    Blackberry Foam Over

    What a mess! Foam and scum from a blackberry wine made with steamed-juice entered the airlock last night and spread a mess around the carboy. This was my first such occurrence and I hope the last.
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    oversweet blackberry wine question

    Oak goes very well with blackberry.
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    vacuum degassing with Better Bottle??

    I love my Better Bottles! I do my last racking from secondary into glass where I then degas, clear and bottle. I feel I get the best of both worlds.
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    Which Elderberry and Black Currant Plants?

    Thanks for the info. but I am in Zone 7 so those types are not recommended.
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    Which Elderberry and Black Currant Plants?

    I want to plant in the mountains of Virginia (Zone 7)? Which should I order? How many plants for 12 gallons wine from each? Thanks for your help.
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    Vintners Harvest Peach

    Wine makin' time!
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    I wouldn't dump it. I would proceed as normal, taste it when it is finished. Dump it if it is vinegar and bottle it, if not. Give it a year and taste it again. If it is too hot, try blending a relatively small measured amount with another wine. If that results in something palatable, bottle the...
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    Plum Wine Recipe Review

    The plum is now in glass. It has been degassed and is clearing. I just tasted it for the first time and it has a hint of bitterness. I had reserved 2 quarts juice to reduce and make an F-Pac but now I am becoming hesitant to do so. I will give this more time and defer my decision until later.
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    bottle color

    I do the same as Waldo.
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    Another Blackberry

    When I have made blackberry by fermenting the fruit, I have found that it necessary to remove the fruit after no more than 4 days in primary. Otherwise, the wine was bitter because of the high tannin in the seeds. I now steam-juice all my fruit and my blackberry wine is fermented using...
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    My best wishes to you.
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    Carrot Wine

    This one will be interesting to follow.
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    Hard Apple Cider (Cyser Now) Sorry

    When I was a younger man, our homemade apple juice always ended up fermenting on its own. Nothing added. It was naturally carbonated, cloudy and low in alcohol--delicious chilled.
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    Waldo, you are persuading me to plant some muscadines!
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    Plum Wine Recipe Review

    Thanks, Gaudet. I have arrived there and enjoying a glass of dry blackberry from the cellar.
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    Plum Wine Recipe Review

    SG is .990. Racked and added K-Meta. Leaving for the mountains for 2 weeks. Will degas, add F-Pac, backsweeten and add sorbate when I return.
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    Pear Wine

    Yes, use the airlock.