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  1. Neviawen

    What to top off with?

    Hi, My batch of SP is finally done. I racked it into the primary bucket so that I can give it a good stir and add the kmeta and sorbate. I then transfered it back into the carboy and mixed up the batch of sparkloid and added it. After looking at it.. I'm thinking that there may be too much air...
  2. Neviawen

    air lock volcano question

    After everyone's posts - it makes sense now that I transferred it too soon. I guess I jumped the gun on this one! We were heading down to the shore for a few days and I was leery just leaving it sit out in the primary. I thought I was going to come home to the rotten egg smell! Thanks for the help!
  3. Neviawen

    air lock volcano question

    It was 1.050 down from 1.085 when I first pitched the Slurry. I took the air lock off and it's sitting now to air out some.
  4. Neviawen

    Cherry Wine (dry recipe used)

    Hi again, I was hoping for some opinions about this cherry wine that I have in the primary. I used this recipe that I found on your forum somewhere. Cherry Wine [Dry] (1) 4-5 lbs fresh or frozen sweet cherries 1-3/4 lbs finely granulated sugar 7-1/2 pts water 2 tsp...
  5. Neviawen

    air lock volcano question

    Hi, I had a quick question about what to do with my latest SP batch. I started this batch last week with a slurry instead of adding new yeast. It took off and after a few days was ready to go into the carboy. Now that it's in the carboy it keeps bubbling up into the airlock and over the sides...
  6. Neviawen

    Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin with Cream Cheese and Jalapeno

    This looks delicious. I've fileted open pork tenderloin, seasoned it, and stuffed it w/ stuffing and rolled it back up and tied it off w/ string and that turned out really good. Never thought to use cream cheese filling. Thanks for the idea!
  7. Neviawen

    nice cheap wine racks!

    That would be perfect for the small space I have to store wine since the description says it can break down into (2) smaller units that you can sit side by side. My wine storage area is only 40" wide, 40" tall, and 60" deep. (It's a crawl space closet underneath a half staircase.) Thanks for the...
  8. Neviawen

    Blueberry protection PHOTOS

    I just bought a blueberry bush this spring and planted it. It looked good in the flower bed that I made so I figured It would serve 2 purposes- be pretty and provide fruit. It is maybe 2 feet tall and has maybe 20-30 blueberries (not ripe) on it and some flowers. Am I supposed to pick the...
  9. Neviawen

    What was the first wine you made?

    Blackberry wine. I got inspired after reading a book about wine making. I went to a local farm and picked a TON of blackberries. (I think I picked 9 lbs with the help of the kids. They were stained purple by the time we were done.) I got a recipe online and got the ingredients and tried my hand...
  10. Neviawen

    Skeeter Pee bottling alternatives

    Eww. That doesn't look like SP... \
  11. Neviawen

    Like This Post

    I figured it out! I didn't see the "LIke this" link when I first posted.
  12. Neviawen

    Crap. Believe I gonna get my gallbladder out

    My mother and twin sister both had their gall bladder's removed. They did it laparoscopically and they both now have 3 small scars (the size of pencil erasers) along the right side of their abdomen and one inside their bellie button. The tough part was not being able to use your stomach muscles...
  13. Neviawen

    Like This Post

    Maybe I'm blonde but I don't see anywhere to "like" anything. Is it the "rate" drop down thing at the top of the thread?
  14. Neviawen

    bringing up specific gravity

    Thank you so much! ~Kate
  15. Neviawen

    bringing up specific gravity

    Hello, I know I saw this somewhere on this forum but I am unable to find the link now. Does anyone know off hand what the formula for bringing the SG up to the desired level? (How much more sugar I need to add to raise it a few points?) I currently am at 1.076 and want to have it in the...
  16. Neviawen

    They resemble ants

    These sound like potato aphids to me. I had them in my veggie garden last year and they really chewed up a few of my younger plants. The aphids can fly or jump from plant to plant and will spread if left untreated. The way I got rid of them was mix 2 tablespoons of the original Dawn Dish...
  17. Neviawen

    Bottling Day

    Wow that is a lot of wine to bottle in one day! Great labels, too!
  18. Neviawen

    NW PA Wine Party

    I"m with you! it's 7.5 hours from me. I would love to go meet you guys at your wine party but it is a bit too far. I'm in S. Jersey. (Probably 1/2 hour from the Deleware Mem. Bridge.). It would be neat to have something in the S. NJ, Phila., Del, area.
  19. Neviawen

    I'm pooped!

    I did enter. After entering, the first thing I did was check their site to see that they sold it. I really want one. I'm praying that I win it! It seems that the wine pump (everyone is saying) makes bottling fun. :)
  20. Neviawen

    I'm pooped!

    My husband disappears when it's bottling time and reappears when it's ready to drink! My 6 year old daughter hung out with me last night to cheer me on all the telling me what a big helper she was for putting the corks on top of the corker for me and lining the bottles up once they are done. She...