Crap. Believe I gonna get my gallbladder out

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Jan 12, 2012
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Well, I had me a gallbladder attack the weekend I was pressing those strawberries and getting my musts ready to go. (See, I don't tell everything here.) Yep, I had to do it, berries were thawed and it was time, so I pressed them all out and did the work while in pretty good pain.

So the doc says I can't shoot you yet, you're too young, so let's get two tests done, ultrasound and a HIDAscan. I found out on the innernents that if the ultrasound shows stones, you won't be taking the next test cuz they don't need it.

Had my testing today. They did the first one, told me they did not have to do the second one. Weeee! I meet with my doc in a couple days, but I reckon I'm going under the knife sometime.

My neighbor had his out recently and it took him almost a month to recover, but he had his out immediately after an attack. My attack is subsided.

I have half a mind to have them put it in a Ball jar with some alcohol to preserve it. It's seen plenty of that already, anyway! ::

Anybody had theirs out? What am I looking at here?
My wife had hers out a few years ago. They did it with the small incision through microsurgery (laproscopic I think). She was up and about in no time. She had apparently passed stones to the liver ductwork which they didn't catch on to when they removed the all bladder. A month or so later she had severe pain and when the doctor said it was gall stones I thought he was nuts. I asked- How can that be she has no gall bladder any more? That was on our Anniversary - some present huh? They sent her to a catscan, confirmed it and she was in surgery within minutes. They said the liver has started to die because the stones blocked necessary ducts. Do what they say and have it done.
I ran into a girl who had it removed orthographically She was on her feet in no time. only had three small scares on her stomach.
Lapriscopy is how they will do it. It is now confirmed by a call from my doc. No blockage at present, but gallbladder full of stones. Would I like to schedule a surgeon? Not yet! (But soon.) They also found my right kidney is smaller than my left, so I get to go for a different kind of test now. Geez, I feel like I am back in school! All this exam pressure calls for a good chardonnay tonight!

Grapeman, here's the crucial question about your wife's recovery - how long was it before she could DRINK again?

I gots my priorities, ya know!
LMAO, Jim I love your humor despite whats's going on. Git er taken care of. The hell with your drinking, just keep posting! Really, best of luck to you and don't wait!
Jim she does not drink much and never did. I'm lucky if she drinks 2 ounces a month!

I'm wondering how that 2 inch thick steak affected your gall bladder. Did that trigger an attack?
I had gallbladder attacks for about 6 months that left me in a fetal position almost every night, I had gone to the hospital a few times (being a stubborn 20 year old, I didn't want surgery). I finally went for it, and believe me, the surgery is nothing compared to the gallbladder attacks! I say if it is really bothering you, go for the surgery. I waited too long, and what was supposed to be a quick hour long procedure took them 4 hours because of all the scar tissue I developed from waiting too long. Even with the longer surgery (and an allergic reaction to the anesthesia), I was back on my feet in a few days. There were only 4 incisions less than an inch long. If they are telling you that you should have the surgery, I would go for it. It only gets worse if you wait.
My mother and twin sister both had their gall bladder's removed. They did it laparoscopically and they both now have 3 small scars (the size of pencil erasers) along the right side of their abdomen and one inside their bellie button. The tough part was not being able to use your stomach muscles for a week or two. That is pretty much standing up/sitting down/getting in and out of bed/ and most definetily laughing or coughing. The trick to that is to hold a couch pillow (or something of similar size and density) snug against your stomach. Laughing hurt my twin and we were teenagers at the time so of course I made her laugh any chance I could because I was cruel like that. In all honesty, recovery time wasn't too hard on her and she was back to her obnoxious self in no time! LOL
Gall Bladder attacks are no joke. I hope you feel better soon.
2 different girlfriends of mine have wound up having to have theirs removed....first week or 2 are a little rough, but it does get better.....i've been fortunate, but i did have a go round with a kidney stone last about pain that will double you over....have been told that is the closest thing to labor pains....mine was first diagnosed at being around 4mm, which is borderline on being passable on it's own...after about a week and a half of doing ok, with popping the occassional vicodine as directed, as i'm leaving work one day, i begin to have another pain attack....get home, pop a vicodine....3 hours later still no relief.....go back to hospital....ultrasound this time....and xrays as opposed to original ct scan....turns out it's not 4mm, but closer to 6mm.....chances of passing on it's own just went out the window....admitted to hospital, saw urologist, stent inserted, then had to come back a week later to have a lithotrypsy to break it up....and in about a week later had to go back to dr's office to have stent removed, which is a story in of itself....but anyways, jim, morale is, get it taken care of, it and get it over with....just keep us posted...
Jim she does not drink much and never did. I'm lucky if she drinks 2 ounces a month!

I'm wondering how that 2 inch thick steak affected your gall bladder. Did that trigger an attack?

Nope, they are not triggered by steaks. I am pretty careful what I eat. But I broke down that Friday evening cuz I was time-pressed and got a Subway Spicy Italian. Woo-hoo, that did the trick!

Thanks for all the support and tips. I am going to have the surgery sometime latter June, I just have to get my schedule set up to do it. That may not be the only surgery I have, either. Doc called and said they found my right kidney is smaller than my left, so they are doing a CT scan Friday. Might have to have a stent or something in the artery there. Awesome, this is the first year in my lifetime I have exceeded my insurance deductible!
I had laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) almost 13 years ago. I had no gallstones, my problem was my gallbladder simply did not function. The surgery was outpatient and I came home the same day. I had my surgery on a Thursday morning and I took off work that following Friday and the entire next week. I was able to return because I worked in an office--on a computer and a phone. Surgeon said 10 day recovery is the norm for his patients who work in a "clean" environment and their job does not involve any type of physical component such as lifting/tugging, etc. I was "banned" from physical activity for 6-8 weeks anyway--it is major surgery.

An as others have mentioned, you can still develop stones in the remaining bile duct(s) even after your gallbladder has been removed. It happens, but I would not be worried or focused on that happening...if it does, it does.

I felt wonderful by the time the first weekend was over. I remember literally sleeping all day Friday and that first weekend---anesthesia recovery at home, so tiring for me personally. I recall taking Tylenol #3 and then weaning to ExtraStrength Tylenol.

You ask when you will be able to start drinking again after surgery---just follow your surgeon's recommendations. Many surgeons will ask that you stop the intake of alcohol, vitamins/minerals, herbal supplements and even green tea so many days before your procedure. The green tea was a new one to me, and I was told it has to do with certain anesthesia protocols & the fact it can cause a reaction. (This may not be an issue at your hospital). I would just recommend contacting your surgeon, sooner rather than later, and ask your questions. The staff there will gladly get the answers for you. Make a list, write down your questions.

Gallbladder attacks are no fun & failing to get them treated in a timely manner can lead to many other problems. I remember my doctor telling me a key indicator for gallbladder problems is "Fat, forty (year of age or more), flatulent and fair (skinned)".

If it helps, many people all across the planet are walking around with one kidney smaller than the other & they don't even know it. Your doctor(s) just want to make sure that there are no concerns in regard to your renal status. Best of luck to you, and I hope you have an uneventful surgery and recovery.
There are no arterial problems with my kidneys, I found out today. I do have kidney stones. He says keep hydrated. I thought that was funny. I drink fluids all day, in large quantities, but am on diuretic BP meds that quickly drain them right back out. Long-term diuretic use does lead to kidney stones. They are also associated with gallbladder disease, though a link is not established.

In my research it says the biggest risk is if they do not find stones left in the ducts during the surgery. I had not seen anything about duct-formed stones. Will poke around about that now.

I'll talk to the surgeon Thursday, hope to sked it for end of June when I will only have to take 2 days off sick plus the weekend and July 4 holiday and then be back at work. Most people who have responded who did not have surgery immediately after an attack have said they are feeling pretty fine in 2-3 days. We'll see. I think anesthetic recovery will be the worst part for me.

I hope I can get right back to work, as the pressure is on to do so, since they announced last week that many of us will be losing our jobs and I do not want to be seen as the weak prey animal. LOL. That announcement is why I am trying to get as much done on current insurance as possible, in case I lose it for a period of time. When it rains, it pours.

Sara, your physician's comments aside, by far the most common predictor for gallstones is rapid weight loss/gain cycles. I used to be a weightlifter, and rapid weight loss/gain cycles go with that lifestyle. I have talked with people from age 22 to 58 who have had this surgery. I was very surprised how many have it in their 20s.

It's all over but the shoutin' now, as they say. We'll see what happens.
I had hand surgery and was released within a few hours (I went through fully awake).

I went home and took the pills they gave me with a beer, so I'd say 2 hours until you can drink again.:)

Trust me...I'm a doctor NOT.
Yeehaw! June 29 is the day. I am soooo excited! Doc is about 35 or so, says he does about 50 of these a week. Dang!
Be glad it is now and not 1968 when I had mine out at the age of 18. Full of stones. Back then they cut from under the breast to down below the belly diagonally. Yup a 16 inch scar, 3 weeks in the hospital and a lot of pain for many weeks. Now it is just a couple of puncture wounds!
Did they say if this will laparoscopic or an open procedure?
You comment about weight gain/loss, etc. being a common cause is quite right. Many women end up having gallbladder removed after the birth of one of their children. Mine came out just a few months after my 2nd child was born. Started having symptoms within just a few weeks after his birth. I know many women who actually have to deal with gallbladder problems WHILE pregnant (due to weight gain), gave birth, recovered from birth and then came back to hospital after recovery period of 6-8 weeks and had their gallbladder removed; and have known many who ended up having gallbladder surgery WHILE pregnant.

Best of luck to you!
Ive never had any gall bladder problems but have had kidney stones in the past more times then I care to count!! Heres praying everything goes smoothly!

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