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  1. AlFulchino

    No oxygen or oxygen

    John T...thank you thank you thank made a case i have tried to make for a couple of years...but truthfully you said it better
  2. AlFulchino

    Summertime Dreaming

    just beautiful pictures....capturing the essence of warmer and more fair weather...
  3. AlFulchino

    Hydrometer reading -HELP

    temp is good, but your readings appear to be SG of 1.03 is a near end reading for most will go 1.02, 1.01 and on to dry 1.00 and .996 for example a reading of 1.133 is more like a starting reading prior to sugar turning into alcohol something is wrong w the numbers...
  4. AlFulchino

    Hydrometer reading -HELP

    the readings that you posted indicate that it is not working....that the by the numbers answer....please double check you current reading what was your initial reading?
  5. AlFulchino

    Hydrometer reading -HELP

    if any serious fermenation is going WILL see it as well...all bubbled DO need to know the temperature...does your hydromter have a thermometer in it....sorry i have to ask that....get a kitchen thermometer and see what you have....get it up on a counter top or stable table (...
  6. AlFulchino

    Chipped carboy

    Rich, are you degassing the wines from the grapes you grow?
  7. AlFulchino

    Is there anyone in Michigan growing these

    if i recall....there is a fellow named Ivan from this board and another that has successfully handled pinot noir by laying them down each winter and muching and then re trellising each yr...he is from Minnesota
  8. AlFulchino

    Chipped carboy

    out edge? well that would be an area on little concern...i would not hesitate....if you degas then i would guess you could put something in that area to keep a seal i have had carboys that have slight cracks that i would not dare use....but a small chip located where you say it is would not...
  9. AlFulchino

    No oxygen or oxygen

    they could still be doing this in a vacuum environment or one where a gas like argon fills the receiving tank and is expelled by relief valve as the liquid fills the tank
  10. AlFulchino

    New twist

    well you taught me something i am out of my league on this one
  11. AlFulchino

    New twist

    i dont know much about the kegs you are talking about...but i agree w the view to not do what you are doing...why not flip the keg over next time so that sediment goes to the top ( now on the bottom) and then you place hose into the bottom (the new top) this is all especially more important...
  12. AlFulchino

    What % Alcohol will I get ?

    forgive if this has been mentioned: another formula 1.09-.996=.0940/.0074=12.7% the government allows you a 1% you could see a bottle on a shelf that says it is 11% and it may actually be anywhere from 10-12%
  13. AlFulchino

    SO2 levels during bulk aging

    bulk aging over 6 months i would insert solid bung, unless risk/gamble is on your agenda...on the good side though you could see a reduction that may enhance your wine secondly..if 2-3 hundred is in your budget, look at the vinmetrica website and order there sulfite tester..i am very happy w it
  14. AlFulchino

    Just ordered some Vines...

    and hope she likes wine~!
  15. AlFulchino

    Some vineyard pics oil rig is needed!!!
  16. AlFulchino

    Anyone Growing Corot Noir?

    Bob, i am not growing it, but i would consider a trial in the next 3 yrs after i get my next building hands are full right now but there are so many grapes to try and just not enough time in a day
  17. AlFulchino

    Just ordered some Vines...

    one other quick note....consider electric fence for fifty is cheaper...can be moved easily.....if you have deer then your traditional fence has to be 8-9 feet high i believe and that may be an eyesore....electric fence tape is the way i would go
  18. AlFulchino

    Just ordered some Vines...

    it may have been said already...get your ph checked...dont skip this if at all possible... some folks are fans of the tubes..i am not.....but if you do utilize them then make sure you monitor the foliage inside them for sun burn...the tubes act like greenhouses and do a quick burn on your vines...
  19. AlFulchino

    two bins / gassing?

    "I just want to get a good drinkable wine at my first attempt to shut up all my sceptic friends!" its is a big mistake to try to prove things to people...but a bigger one to rush a is a disservice to the wine is kind of like asking a six yr old to go play on the big...
  20. AlFulchino

    The Bachelor - Wine Country Edition

    very greatful to have no snow snow has given me time to pour the foundation myself....and now backfill w sand and let a new additional patio area all naturally settle for a few has been a real blessing to save money on heat and not have to remove snow