2011 Carmenere

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Senior Member
Feb 16, 2011
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A little something I put together. Any feedback, positive or negative is appreciated! Below is what the back part of the label says. I plan on cutting them into 2 seperate labels or putting the writing to the right hand side.


"Carménère was one of 6 grapes blended to make the world renowned Bordeaux wine in France. In the mid 19th century a plague of phylloxera, a grape destroying insect, caused such damage that the Carménère was thought to be extinct. In the 1990’s it was discovered that the Carménère was in fact alive and well in Chile, having been mistaken for Merlot for almost 150 years! The Carménère grape has since been considered Chile’s flagship grape and has made a name for itself amongst the Cabernets and Merlots of the world.
Enjoy this medium-bodied fruity wine and reflect on its unique history with every sip. It has been crafted using modern winemaking techniques while still retaining its most traditional qualities that made it famous hundreds of years ago."
Looks great to me joe!!!! Did Justin tell you he is shipping off to Afganistan on the 12th?
Thanks! Looks good. I have a Carmenere bulk aging right now. That's a great idea. I like the verbiage. :b
Looks great and an interesting history of the grape.

Wade, tell your friend Justin to keep his head down and be safe over there. Also thank him for his service for me. In the past 2 years my son did a tour in Iraq and then 6 months later a tour in Afghanistan. He recently finished his duty with the Marines and opted to not re-enlist.
Yeah we threw a party for him last week. This is our 3rd member of the fire department thats getting shipped overseas in 2 years!
Well at least Justins' done a few tours now so he knows what he is doing.