Hi Mike
Getting back into it - after a little recess. All my vines are pruned and canes are heeled-in down in the field. Need to replace about 25. 2 cabs; 15 syrah and 8 teraldego. Have ground squirrel and gopher problems but gonna get 'em.
Went through the whole thread again and wow what a workout. George needs to invest in a crusher/destemmer must pump so youse guys can crush destemm and pump into your white brutes IN the SUV. Then you only have to lift when you get home. SAVES THE BACK. Also, we raised our crusher destemmer up higher (added blocks under legs) to crush right into the 20-50 gallon barrels. However, we do have a tractor/loader to lift and move from there.
I also noticed that the crush (must) looked rather dry - were the rollers close enough to break the berries and start the juice flow? We get lots and lots of juice when we crush.
Anyway, that's over and now the waiting and tasting and tasting and tasting begins. Hope that they all work out the way that you want them too.
Good talking to you and best of luck. Retirement coming?