Here in Utah grapes budding on the first day of spring is Crazy! 20 days earlier than last year, and at least 30 days ahead from when they should! No frost in the forecast, here's to hoping.
Do any of you guys have any type of frost "alarms"? I've been reading some larger vineyards use frost alarms to wake them up in the night helps them sleep easier.
I think this year was the earliest bud break on record for Northern California, somewhere in early February IIRC……. CRAZY!
Here in Northern NM I am seeing swelling and the beginning of bud formation on my Marquette. The Corot Noir and Noiret are always about 10 days behind. We have had late Spring frost the last 2 years with one occurring on May 21. I have a digital temp gauge in our MBR window with alarm that I can set to any temp. If the temp reaches 34 it goes off. I use this for Patio Plants and etc. I tried covering my vines with beach towels, blankets etc last year and that didn't work at all when we got down to 22 one morning in mid May. May try a string of large bulbed patio lights this year strung to the top wire cordon. I would have to set up sprinklers of sorts since the vines are on drip to try and see if I could coat them in ice.
I'm just wondering if they will flower, veraison, etc, earlier. Will my crop ripen earlier since bud break was earlier?
Ibglowin I sprinkle water to help with frost as well. Just this year it's so early, I don't have water yet to spray!
It is soon to be our turn with warmer temps. By this weekend it will be in the 60's for a number of days. Hard to believe as I worked in several inches of wet snow pruning this afternoon. Got the main vineyard done today with only a few vines left here and there for one reason or another. A couple hours some day will clean them up. Mike you can keep the cool, wet summer- give me hot and dryish so we might catch up to normal.
My Cab vines in North Alabama have broken. They are the last variety to break for me. Historically April 15th would be a very late frost and the 10 day forecast looks positive. Year 3 is off to the races! Excited to see what comes of my experiment.