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Barns are great, aren't they?

I almost bought a place along the Yellowstone about 15 years ago, just because it had a barn with a river-rock first floor, frame post and beam second floor... can't remember much about the house! But, my decision on that barn was about the same as when, in 1973, I sold my '69 Mustang Mach 1 for $850 bucks to buy a pickup... (as my 15-year old son keeps reminding me!)

Sadly, "they" aren't making "barns" anymore -- just equipment sheds!
I got tired of working on beer and wine the other day so I made a batch of BBQ sauce to take a

Frank that BBQ sauce looks mity good you can share your recipe hint hint
Those are some Stainless Steel pans I bought at the salvage store once, they fit just right and are there just in case one of the spicots leaks. I'll post the BBQ sauce recipe when get home (and remember).
Frank, you amaze me. You must be in motion 21 hours a day!

As for barns...I love the smell and feel of an old classic barn.
My house is for sale (for 6 months) so I can finally get out of the
city and build a small house in the country with a BIG, classic
barn. Hopfully with an indoor arena. I know what you mean,
in the old days I was concerned with the size of my house, now I do not
care about the house, I look for barn space and wine celler
potential. Of course the log cabin in the woods is the best of
Mine leak about a drop every three days but it comes out the spigot and not from where the spigot meets the primary.
I swap from days to nights today, so it was like a day off!!
So I bottled my next batch of American Light, I now have 8 1/2 cases carbonating in the kitchen.

I made two True Brew kits today, a Nut Brown Ale, and a Oktoberfest that I tweaked up with 2lbs. extra light DME and 3 cups brown sugar, gave me a starting SG of 1.066 at 4.5 gallons, I finally got to use my 8 gallon brew pot.

When I wasn't working on the beer, I racked the Piesporter, and Blueberry wines, Fined and stablized the two Italian Pinot Grigio kits, and started two Italian Barolo Bianco kits, did the laundry and dishes, now I'm resting, don't have to go to work for 30 minutes, Oh yea, I made Sheperds Pie, man I love this stuff!!Packed 7 lunches for work and ate till I was stuffed!!

I'm feeling sorry for the poor shepherds you ground up in that pie! What did they ever do to you, Stinkie??
Gee...I laid in bed until noon and then went to the mall and bought
clothes for my 16 year old son. I made a chicken baked dish with
fennel for dinner and felt like I had a full day until I read your
posts. Has NASA had the research team out to check your
DNA? I am speechless. X O