Almost Peach Time

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Dec 28, 2009
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I have about 55 or so lbs of peaches freezing now. I was planning on using 40-45 lbs for the wine and 15 for the fpac. I'm going to use a variation of Tom's recipe in the recipe section and up scale for a 6 gallon batch. Fruit per gallon will be about 6-7 lbs depending on batch size. (I have a 7 gallon carboy empty now that may get used) I'll post up the final recipe after I get it started either this weekend or next.

Can you cool ferment? I noticed an incredible difference in my peach from last year to this year. The only difference i did was i cool fermented my peach. Right around 50 - 52*.

Can you cool ferment? I noticed an incredible difference in my peach from last year to this year. The only difference i did was i cool fermented my peach. Right around 50 - 52*.

My basement is keeping around 65-67 degrees right now at chest height. With the primary on the concrete floor I imagine it will be around 60 degrees or slightly lower at that level. I have my vents on the block windows open so what ever the temp at night is determines the basement temp. I generally try to ferment to dry (below 1.000) in the primary.

What yeast do you recommend?
I used the Lalvin 71B-1122. I would recommend this - I have been very happy with this yeast.

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