Another Blackberry

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2008
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Decided to get an early jump on this one as I already had the berries juiced.

Must prepped with:

2 gallons Blackberry juice
1 gallon boiled water with 8 pounds sugar dissolved
Added more water to the six gallon mark
5 cups sugar added to bring SG to 1.080
2 TBS Yeast Nutrient
1 TBS Yeast energizer
1 TBS Wine Tannin
1 TBS Acid blend
1 TBS Pectic enzyme to be added prior to fermentation

Yeast starter made with
½ cup water
½ cup blackberry juice
1 TBS sugar
½ tsp yeast nutrient
½ tsp yeast energizer
Lalvin 71B-1122 (cause I still have not gotten any Cotes yet)
How many lbs of berries did it take to get the two gallon of juice gaudet?

I used quite a bit more juice than you in my last blackberry:

15 qt blackberry juice
Water to 6 1/4 gal
6 1/4 t nutrient
3 1/4 t pectic enzyme
3 1/4 t acid blend
Sugar (to SG 1.090)
6 Campden tablets
1 1/2 oz medium toast American Oak Cubes
Back-sweetened to SG 1.01

Otherwise, our recipes are about the same.

I believe this to be the best wine I have made, by far.

Good luck with yours.

I juiced 6 one gallon bags of berries last week and got 14 quarts or 3.5 gallons of pure blackberry juice. Weighed out the berries were 31 pounds counting the ziplock baggies


I will probably use some more juice to top off when racking. I figure at least another quart maybe two. I think that juicing with the steamer then canning makes an ideal situation. You reserve a couple quarts of your juice for backsweetening. If you don't use or need them, you have extra for jams, jellies, or maybe even more wine.

The yeast starter is running nicely. Its already got a head of foam on it. Someone on another site that steam juices said that he uses 1 quart pure juice per gallon of wine to achieve his wines. I would guess thats a matter of personal opinion.

By my calculations it took 2.2#'s of fruit to make a quart of juice (if you divide 31#'s/14 quarts)
Gaudet we seem to be running neck and neck making close to the same wines! I'll be starting a blackberry as soon as I bottle my blueberry. Hubby just discovered we only have one bottle of the blackberry left. He asked how long before we have more. When I told him the last batch was 2 years in the bottle he said "I have to wait that long?" Maybe he'll make a blackberry beer to pass the time .........
vcasey said:
Gaudet we seem to be running neck and neck making close to the same wines! I'll be starting a blackberry as soon as I bottle my blueberry. Hubby just discovered we only have one bottle of the blackberry left. He asked how long before we have more. When I told him the last batch was 2 years in the bottle he said "I have to wait that long?" Maybe he'll make a blackberry beer to pass the time .........VPC

Or maybe he'll build you a winery complete with a large cellar to triple your output

Thats what I'd do anyways.....

Funny you should mention blueberry, cause thats the next one up on deck for me as soon as we go get some of them delicious critters in a couple weeks. I figure the blackberry will be in the carboy by then. I have two 5 gallon carboys open for business along with some carbabies. I need just enough to make 6 gallons or so. I might even make a 3 gallon blueberry melomel this season to go along with the 3 gallon blackberry melomel I am planning.
I just bottled my blueberry, blackberry and black&blueberry melomels. I used clover with the blackberry, OB with the blueberry and I made enough to combine the extra because I want to see how both types of honey combine with each other.
Way to funny ........
Quick question before I add the pectic enzyme.

It says add 1/2 tsp per gallon of juice.

Does that mean add 1/2 tsp for the amount of juice used or for the total gallons of the must. I've been adding 1/2 tsp per gallon of must.

This batch of blackberry I used 2 gallons of juice. Do I add 1 tsp of pectic enzyme or do I add 3 tsp?
OK guy somewhat off topic.

If you were to use your steamer/juicer for making a f-pac yould you add pectic enzyme to the f-pac?
I haven't, but then I never considered that. I suppose it would depend on how long you are willing to let it sit.
I was wondering that too Tepe. Maybe the alcohol already present prevents the haze from forming. I know you have to let it sit longer to clear. And I guess you could always add a little pectic enzyme to it while bulk aging.
Do you use it for f-pacs?

Who else would use a steamer to make f-pacs.

Answers answers
tepe said:
Do you use it for f-pacs?

Who else would use a steamer to make f-pacs.

Answers answers</font>

I have never made a f-PAC. I would use mine to do it though. It seems like the best way to achieve an f-PAC.
I think I would add pectic enzymejust to keep the pectin haze away. One suggestion. After you get the "juice" maybe simmer it down some to concentrate the "flavor".

What do you think?
This juice is already highly concentrated so, if I wanted to add additional fruit flavor analogous to an F-Pac, I would just add the juice without further concentration. I may try that with a small batch this year, assuming there are some berries. I received word today that the area where I pick had a bad freeze last night.
Thanks for the info Grubby, I will hope for the best for your blackberry patch.
Pics for this one are done


Must with pectic enzyme before I stirred it thoroughly


I'm taking votes on this reading. I think its 1.090 , but it could be 1.088


Another shot, tell me what you would read it as?


The yeast starter bottle, with my lucky dog angel ornament. It was frothing just my my dog used to.

I say 1.088

Looks nice and dark. 3 gallon?

What yeast U using