Mine is dry now. I plan to rack tomorrow. It was very vigorous through yesterday. I do not think much of the taste at this point fully carbonated and not cleared. But wines generally do not taste good at this point. I can't really taste much apple taste. I plan to back sweeten with some apple juice concentrate so that should add some flavor back.
Racked mine today. Mine was from cider not apple juice so that may make it a bit different, but there was a lot fine lees and orange colored pulp on the sides of the bucket from the vigorous ferment. I thought it smelled better today. It will be interesting to see this clear ad see what it is like in a few months. I added one cinnamon stick to the ferment. Hopefully that is not too much in the end product.
Tess, how many cloves did you add and for how long? I would think that would go well with the cinnamon.
I racked off the raisins and doing so moved from a 6 to a 5 gallon carboy. I had about a half of a gallon of overage which I degassed by shaking and gave a taste after refrigerating. The 3T of acid really makes a nice change over the bland store bought apple juice flavor. It's crisp and dry and tastes like cider. I'm happy with the early results.
Acid blend or straight malic acid?
I like mine very tart so I put in ~3 tbls tartaric acid, I am sure you could use acid blend instead. Go by taste. Start with 2tbls and taste, then add 1tsp at a time till you get the tartness you like.
Mine is a reddish color right now where is that coming from?![]()
Mine turned out red as well, due to the brown sugar.