Apfelwein (Hard German Apple Cider)

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Going down slowly. I refuse to throw out any batch of wine but Im sacrificing a carboy for it. I dont want anything to do with this batch LMAO...Im serious, I dont!! Its setting in the carboy and Im gonna forget about it for at least 6 months!!
Hopefully its gonna be one of those stories where with the ugly duckling that turns into a swan that I read several times on here!! YUK!!

I feel like this in all my fault.....

Cant wait to taste what this is supposed to taste Like RR!!
My own fault RR not yours!! Im the one who panicked and through everything but the kithen sink in this!! lol
Tess, what's the temp in the fermentation room? The 3-4 apples I've done, all from juice, have been temperamental about fermentation. I wouldn't hesitate to give it a stir and slooowly warm it up with a brew belt or other type of heat source. I just got back from a week away and when I checked my 6+ month old apple it has started to referment. My most recent batch was started in a Brute primary. I think the carboy method has a couple of problems, O2 availability being one, high referment potential being the other. Perhaps they are related?
I have 3 three gallon batches going in a 65 degree room, and they're bubbling away. Just started a nine gallon batch (yeah, I really love this stuff:b)last night, and it's already starting to show fizz.
I wonder if the cloves have an antiseptic property that affects the yeast?
Mine does not seem very vigorous in terms of bubbles produced, but it has heated up 6 degrees above room temperature (72F to 78F) so it must be working. I pitched Sunday.
I think I will heat it up some. I give it a good stir everyday. I will keep ya posted
Ok , I just racked it back to the fermenting bucket. Gave it some yeast nutriant, yeast energizer put on the brew belt snaped down the lid and put it on air lock . Lets see.
Mine does not seem very vigorous in terms of bubbles produced, but it has heated up 6 degrees above room temperature (72F to 78F) so it must be working. I pitched Sunday.

7 hours later and it is now bubbling into the airlock. Very vigorous now.
Just dropped my hydromater in water and got the same reading lol This maybe a bad hydromater problem. im on my phone till my new AC adapter for my laptop arrives. Just to be sure. I stabalized it. Then went down a few hours later and added a cup of sugar. I will say this much. I am loving the flavor right now. Very spicy its warm. I even added just a little bit of cayenne pepper. Just a bit and Im loving it so far
This will be a winter setting in front of the fire kinda wine
At this point I will let it set under air lock till my new hydromitor arrives lol
Mine is still setting under air lock back in primary where I racked it to so it would unstick!! The hydrometer is here but Iv had a bug for a couple days so dont even feel like touching it. Its perks about every 30 seconds Im curious but not gonna fool with it today. RR, Im really happy with the flavor though. Im curious to see how its gonna age. I hope it not stuck or its gonna be time to pitch another yeast maybe? I dont know I'll cross that road when I get there. Its fine where its at for now
Im better then I was this time last week when I had night mares of pitching it lol
Mine is dry now. I plan to rack tomorrow. It was very vigorous through yesterday. I do not think much of the taste at this point fully carbonated and not cleared. But wines generally do not taste good at this point. I can't really taste much apple taste. I plan to back sweeten with some apple juice concentrate so that should add some flavor back.
Im not a big bubbles fan but good luck for the best. Im not sure about your taste scale!! Mine taste good now and I bet it taste even better in 6 -12 months!!

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