I back sweeter mine with apple juice that I boiled down to almost no water then added it. The apple flavor really came out after that and it help make it sweeter. Win win in my book.
I spiced a gallon of this with a cinnamon stick and caramel extract. Smells good but really needs some age to it now. The 6 gallon carboy is just sitting, and doing it's thing. Looks exactly like apple juice, so my son tells me.
I'm actually getting ready to work on some apple wine today. I hope at least. I keep forgetting to get them out of the freezer. I think I saved enough for 3 or 4 gallons.
Bottled it all yesterday. Apparently it's pretty good since the wife and I finished off a gallon of it already. I'm eager to taste it when it's got a year of aging under it...if it lasts that long!
I finally opened a bottle of my Spiced Apple this past weekend. Turned out pretty good! I was told it tastes like a Chardonay and my wife says it's her new favorite. I really didn't expect it as it was the first time for me to add any flavor to a wine that's aging.