Apple Wine

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Wine improves with age, I improve with wine
Oct 22, 2014
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Next week I'll be starting a batch of apple wine made from fresh pressed juice using this recipe. This is my 1st attempt at apple wine, and I'm looking for some input. Should I hit it with a clearing agent, or let it clear on it's own? I'm also kicking around the idea of adding some raisin to the initial fermentation. For anyone who has made apple wine, did you back sweeten it? Is it OK to top up the carboy with additional cider after racking?? Additional thoughts, comments??? Thanks in advance!

For every gallon of cider add to it:
* 1 Pound of Cane Sugar
* 1 Teaspoon of Yeast Nutrient
* 1/8 Teaspoon of Pectic Enzyme
* 1-1/2 Teaspoon of Acid Blend
* 1/4 Teaspoon of Wine Tannin
* 1/8 Teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid
* 1 Campden Tablet (crushed and dissolved)

1 Package of Lalvin EC-1118 for every batch up to 5 gallons in size.


1. Mix together everything listed above in an open container (primary fermenter), EXCEPT for the yeast. Cover with a light towel and let sit for 24 hour.

2. After 24 hours, add one package of Lalvin EC-1118 Yeast for each batch that is 5 gallons in size or less. Batches larger than 5 gallons will require a minimum one package of yeast for every 5 gallons.

3. Allow to ferment 4 to 5 days or until your hydrometer reads around 1.030 to 1.040 on the Specific Gravity scale.

4. After 4 or 5 days, carefully siphon the wine into a Carboy so as to leave most of the sediment behind.

5. Allow the wine to ferment another 2 to 3 weeks under air-lock, or until the hydrometer reads .998 or less on the Specific Gravity scale. Now the wine needs to clear. This usually takes at least and additional 2 to 3 weeks.

6. Once the wine is completely cleared, add a second dose of Campden Tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per gallon. And it is then ready to be bottled and aged.
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I would suggest instead of acid blend to use only malic acid. malic acid is the predominate acid in apple no need for others. since it is juice I would ferment in primary vessel until done then rack. rack again in three days off of any gross lees then again in three weeks off of fine less. add k-meta at three day rack..

I always back sweeten using bench trials. take a fixed sample ie about a 1/4 cups ,use sugar syrup two cups sugar to one cup hot water mix in a blender. set up two or three samples add 1/4 tsp syrup in first , twice this in second, thee time this in third etc. do taste test calculate amount for main batch.

I would suggest using Cotes des Blancs for yeast helps hold the aromatic better than EC1118 . also ferment cool at about 65degF. I would age in carboy for about three months before bottling.
Any thoughts on using a clearing agent?
I'm wondering should I use a clearing agent or let it clear on it's own?
Now that you mention that, I totally agree. I'll dose it according to the recommended amount on bottle. Thanks!
Didn't see it before but your Pectic Enzyme qty looks a little light. Perhaps add more and wait on the fining agent?

Apple can be a slow to clear wine but watch if for a couple of months.
I think I'm going to dose mine with Dualfine/Superkleer. Is there any downside to using a clearing agent in apple wine?
I have a batch of Crab apple wine in the primary. Pure juice (no water added to must), my last batch took forever to clear, I added pectic enzyme and it cleared quite quickly (2 days). In hindsight I should have added more PE as it is still a little cloudy in the bottle.
I would add PE and wait, if it doesn't clear then add t

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