Best time of the day/night to enjoy wine/beer?

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We bottled the dandelion yesterday and had nothing left after filling 27 bottles!!! So I made sure we were one cork short lol. :dAwefully good for this young, can't wait to see what it is like in 6 months and 1 year.:b Steve
Dandelion is great !!!!
I have still some in my basement from 2 years ago and some of last year.

To answer the original question:

It is summer time over here, and in the summer often when I get home from work Els (my girlfriend) awaits me with our bycicles packed with all kind of salads and sandwiches wines and fresh fruit to take along for picknicking. That is when I enjoy the wine and company most.

I am guessing (and hoping) that is a Bloody Mary after breakfast. My rule is noon is the starting point to have a beer. Now I do bend that rule occasionally but I can't remember drinking before 11:00 AM for years. I worked night shift for years like WSG. 7AM was my 5PM for years.