I may be nuts or so i have been accused.. but with the economy being what it is...and there not being any real hope that we will have a goverment in place this next year from either side that will change things much, to increase the country's cash flow.. and the fact that we exist mainly on my construction based income.. I have decided to put my land to work..
we have 40 Acres near Fayetteville Ar.. i am putting in 2000 blackberry plants in march... was aslo going to do raspberrys but have not been able to find the root cuttings of the variety i want.. Novas.. they grow well here and produce large reliable crops.. the black berries are Ouchitas 500#, and 1500# Natchez... there are already 2 other growers in the state 2-3 hours away, and they are producing a july crop.. the natchez should come off in June with the Ouchitas shortly after.. i should be selling out before they come to market.. I hope.. and there are very few raspberrys anywhere down south..
I intend to add 1500 primocane fruiting blackberries next spring if i can..maybe sooner.. water will be my issue for them.. we'll see.
I am ammending my soil with large amounts of commercially prepared compost, turned by the thermometer rule, screened ect.. from a muncipality locally, and applying 4 inches of poultry litter that has been piled 6 moths.. it's not getting warm anylonger... and the N should tie up with the compost nicely, preventing early nitrogen issues, and then releasing it back out a year or so later.. the point is in increasing the hunas content... which is a huge chore.. 20 rows with plant spacing at 2' and row spacing at 12'...
Soil tests results are forthcoming...
I am putting down a 20% Humic acid solution to aid in the humas breakdown and release of the bound nutriens.. Has anyone ever used it??
I will be freezing the left over fruit so maybe next year i can provide some to you guys??
we have 40 Acres near Fayetteville Ar.. i am putting in 2000 blackberry plants in march... was aslo going to do raspberrys but have not been able to find the root cuttings of the variety i want.. Novas.. they grow well here and produce large reliable crops.. the black berries are Ouchitas 500#, and 1500# Natchez... there are already 2 other growers in the state 2-3 hours away, and they are producing a july crop.. the natchez should come off in June with the Ouchitas shortly after.. i should be selling out before they come to market.. I hope.. and there are very few raspberrys anywhere down south..
I intend to add 1500 primocane fruiting blackberries next spring if i can..maybe sooner.. water will be my issue for them.. we'll see.
I am ammending my soil with large amounts of commercially prepared compost, turned by the thermometer rule, screened ect.. from a muncipality locally, and applying 4 inches of poultry litter that has been piled 6 moths.. it's not getting warm anylonger... and the N should tie up with the compost nicely, preventing early nitrogen issues, and then releasing it back out a year or so later.. the point is in increasing the hunas content... which is a huge chore.. 20 rows with plant spacing at 2' and row spacing at 12'...
Soil tests results are forthcoming...
I am putting down a 20% Humic acid solution to aid in the humas breakdown and release of the bound nutriens.. Has anyone ever used it??
I will be freezing the left over fruit so maybe next year i can provide some to you guys??