I have a 6 gallon batch of blackberry wine that I started about 6 days ago. Roughly 4.5 lbs fruit, 2lbs sugar, 7 quarts water, 1 campden tablet, and a very small amount of pectic enzyme (maybe 1/4tsp?) to each gallon. The fruit was very sweet and ripe. I washed then mashed the berries, poured boiling water over them, and then waited until room temperature to add the campden and pectic enzyme. After 24 hours I added yeast that had started to bubble in warm water. I've been stirring once a day. There isn't any active bubbling through the vapor lock of the primary, but there is a thick mat of the seeds and pulp that floats on the surface. When I break up the mat there is a fair amount of gas trapped below and within it. It smells yeasty and slightly alcoholic, and foams for a bit. Is it possible that the mat is preventing the gas from escaping? Is it time to strain and remove the solid material? I also had started the batch in the basement where it was likely too cool (maybe 60f), and it is now upstairs at about 70f. Any ideas?