Broke my first carboy.

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Senior Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Degassing with my electric drill and did it to fast and created a gyser!:slp

In my haste to grab a towel I failed to see another carboy sitting on the edge of the towel. Pulled it and flipped the carboy over and *SMASH*.:m

Was an older 'Made in Mexico' one my dad got somewhere along the way. :(
many of us have been there and done that

my first: turned around from the sink and knocked over one that was sitting on the edge of the mat, tile is so unforgiving, at least it was empty

Sorry for your loss.

I have not lost one yet but those dreaded volcano's are a pain in the a$$.
Hopefully you have spares. Just curious. What was the SG of wine in the carboy? Sorry 'bout that. :slp
Sorry to hear that. I would have cried, twice if it was full of wine.
Hopefully you have spares. Just curious. What was the SG of wine in the carboy? Sorry 'bout that. :slp

Wine was to gassy yet to give accurate readings. Yes, I have spares. Just glad it wasn't full.
I almost fell backwards in my wine room backing out of an aisle and kind of lost my balance. Caught myself but it could have been a disaster if I hadn't.

At least my wounds would have been sterilized.
I thinky you meant 'zin no more' Rocky. Oh wait, that would have been if it was ful of Zin.......... never mind.:slp

New Year's Resolution: drink all the Zin to save the Zinners.
Then we'll finally have a world without Zin and whirled peas.

The first one I broke also cut a hole in the wifes new linoleum floor! I lost a precious carboy and had to figure out how to fix the floor (a little glue held it down). Cracked
Would of been a good time to have better bottles, but I still like glass. We feel for your loss, but good thing it wasn't full. Arne.
Here is the ultimate broken carboy story

A friend was telling me about his friend that had an unfortunate accident

He awoke to find a foot of water in his basement. All his carboys were on the floor so he scrambled to move then upstairs. On his last trip up he slipped and fell backwards. He hit the floor, the carboy hit him and broke. He ended up with an ambulance ride and his wife was left to deal with the mess.

He is still married and hasn't given up making wine so i guess all turned out for the best

i have had somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 carboys break in the last 18 case was a 3 gallon empty carboy...worst two cases were one 6 gallon of peach and another 6 gallon of a red worth 900 dollars...all of these events were a result of rushing...poor thinking on where i placed them....being tired and having too small a building
I was rinsing a glass carboy awhile back and it slipped on the counter and all I saw was glass. I was very carefull turning the carboy to try and see how much it was broken. Well, very strangely I didn't see any of the carboy missing. Though this was pretty weird. Come to find out that when it slipped and landed, it slid into my glass glass cutting board. And that's was was in a million pieces. But let me tell you I was some scared after reading the horror stories about glass carboys shattering. So now I use plastic as much as possible. :)
I rarely use glass anymore. Used to use it for degassing, but now bulk aging takes care of that too. I have a lambic aging in glass because I knew I wouldn't be needing the carbon for anything else.

Since the beginning glass never appealed to me, it was heavy, fragile, slippery when wet, difficult to clean and cumbersome to move. I now use a combo of barrels, stainless and better bottles. I am looking at some fustinos as perhaps a future addition

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