Capsules too small for Burgundy Bottles

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Rennaisance Man
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
South Cental Pennsylvania
I bottled my chard tonight and was showing my sister in law the "what's next" and that's when I realized that the ones I have won't fit over the top of the bottle. What th'??

Do they make different sizes for capsules?
Yes, they make a large size that will fit larger tops. Usually you only have a couple of color options if that.
"Kinda hard to find" about sums it up. I can only find them online in a handful of colors. The one place I found had a great price, but $14 in shipping... So, I just went to ebay to get them. Maybe I'll switch to the lower end burgundy bottles in the future. The regular capsules fit just fine on them.
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I've always been able to force them on. I kind of screw the capsule down. Takes some muscle but it can be done.
Some caps will go on with a little help others no amount will help and you just have to go big or go home! :)