Chateau Michaelena Vineyard

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We are looking good for the next 10 days. So good that I planted my Tomatoes this weekend. I have the water walls to protect and help them stay warm.

Screen Shot 2020-05-04 at 1.10.23 PM.png
What site do you get that off of? I'm having issues downloading the graphic for my area off of weather underground. We have a few mornings in the low 30's coming up once this wind dies down. I'm worried about my glads starting to poke their heads up, I'll have to cover them.
What site do you get that off of? I'm having issues downloading the graphic for my area off of weather underground. We have a few mornings in the low 30's coming up once this wind dies down. I'm worried about my glads starting to poke their heads up, I'll have to cover them.

Looks to me to be from
We survived a couple close calls a week or so ago. Two back to back days with lows of 35. Happy to report no damage and now we move on to worrying about hail every time we have a chance of rain (like we had on Sunday evening). Hit the vines with a first round of fertilizer a few days ago and they are responding nicely.

Not a good year for us. Lost all of the Cab Franc vines, several America, a Buffalo, and a Sherdian. A couple was due to galling I believe, but will perform an autopsy and I've given the roots time to send up sprouts. As for the Cab Franc; I believe it was too wet and they 'drown'. The thing is most of them showed signs of life during pruning in early March. More rain on the way today.
Been awhile since I have posted any grape pics. We escaped any late frost this Spring. Its been a hot dry May and June until a few days ago when we finally got a big river of monsoonal moisture moving through the State from Mexico. Vines are soaking up the rain and enjoying the cooler temps and some humidity for a change.

Now we pray for no hail!

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nice, when do usually harvest? My Marquette is about a week from beginning veraison. I harvest mid September.
It used to be mid September but these days I am lucky to make it to mid August. We just seem to have warmer Summers now than we used to. I live at 6600ft altitude with a high mountain desert climate. No spray regimen, no bugs. My only real enemy each Summer is hail that tends to fall with the Summer rains quite often.

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