Christmas came early....

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That's one nice setup. You two will need to start drinking a lot of beer soon! Looks like it is destined to be used for more than just beer though.... I see a hammer, plants and clothes basket not to mention an office chair next to it. Great multi-tasking.
The tools are there cause I'm not done working on it yet.
I told the lovely Rita for $200 more I can make wine come out of one spout, she said we will keep using
Sparkling wine works pretty good as I have Crab apple on tap as we speak.
Ginger Beer huh, that sounds interesting!What did you tweak to get that?
Edited by: wade
I use an Iron Master American Light kit, it's just a can of malt with yeast you add some sugar to get the ABV higher, and I juice 1/2lb fresh ginger per 6 gallon batch, it's my house beer. I cut back on the sugar to try to keep the ABV down, I have a batch now in the primary ready to keg that I didn't add any sugar to, it started at 1.026, interesting to see how it turns out.
Rita and I were watching the Food Channel and she commented she would like a Grill some day....EBAY!!...



Now I'm going to have to eat all those sausage sandwiches with my beer...
When I redo the kitchen I am going to add one in. They are great!!!I make sandwiches for groups when we get together. ( philly stake, Ham, Roast beef, corn beef, chickenfaheta, ect. on Texas toast, kiser, rye, subs, or even english muffins. You can feed20 people quick and easy just add olive oil.

I am the "Waffle House Master chef Wana Be"
You are going to get spoiled with all that comecial kitchen/bar stuff. Edited by: Rocky Top
I love Grilled Scallops...... Nothing better..

Man those look good.... actually...... it looks like you have made to many....

Want company?
Oh yeah that does look good Frank and Rita. What kind of beer do you wash them down with?

John are you going to fly up, snow blow for Wade and then fly up for dinner with Frank and Rita? Sounds like a good way to spend the day to me.
jobe05 said:
I love Grilled Scallops...... Nothing better..

Man those look good.... actually...... it looks like you have made to many....

Want company?

Too many?? That was just the first batch, I had 2 pounds, then we had some Lobsters for a (I had a gift certificate to get rid of) I had some ginger beer and the lovely Rita had some Super Tuscan I believe...
Great, now I have to go get the Windex to clean my screen of all the drool!

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