I guess I really got a deal a month ago. I was able to buy as much as I could afford at the local grocery store. It was bulk frozen on a possessing ship and sent down the the Lower 48. I got 20 pounds at $1.99/pound!!!!Go with that right now!! I like black cod more than halibut. Used to fish for them out of Seward. Doesn't get to much better than that!(The fish, and the fishing)LOL
You can't hardly ever find in in the store. apparantley the Japanese like it so much they have "pre-ordered" them for the upcoming seasons. No kidding.
We had some at red Meyers last winter and they wanted almost $20/lb. Hell King Crab is only like $12.
By the way just to make it clear. Black Cod actually isnt a cod at all, don't know why they classify it differently, but its real name is Sablefish. It is one of the best fish I have ever eaten, without a doubt.
It's all in the marketing, and public perception. They call rock fish "cod", because that's all the public recognizes.By the way just to make it clear. Black Cod actually isnt a cod at all, don't know why they classify it differently, but its real name is Sablefish. It is one of the best fish I have ever eaten, without a doubt.
Allie, is it actual Lemon Shark, or do they just call all shark that?shark is called lemonfish here.. and it makes excellent deep fried battered fish for a fish and chips meal.
I quite like it.
I'm surprised Asia hasn't opened as a market for them....Dogfish!!!!!!Curses! Them lil bastards are a menace. They are like a little 2 foot shark. They go after the bait and get hooked. so instead of a $20 fish on the hook you end up with a zillion of these dogfish. I actually cooked a couple of these and they werent bad at all. But there was no market for em so we flung them over the side.
I never did understand why their was no market for em. Hell, even at $1.00/lb we would have been making money. But they are a terrible menace for a fisherman, I will always hate who they are, but sure wont miss being able eat one once in a while.
Most of the ones we caught back then were 3' to 4'. Seemed like a 4-footer weight about 20 pounds. I saw a couple that were at the max for the species...about 6 feet. Must have been all those herring and candlefish!Yeah never understood that. I thought they weren't to bad eating myself. You need to bleed them but that aint no big thing. Some of those I guess averaged4 pounds or so.
Don't get ME started on this subject!Don't even get me started about the amount of dead fish thrown over the side in the US! If its not the target fish or not in season...splash. I cry sometimes when I think of how much food I seen wasted in this industry!!
Allie, is it actual Lemon Shark, or do they just call all shark that?
BEEF what about BEEF...LOL I like some fish but give me a good steak or prime rib and a baked potatoe any day.
I have to correct myself from earlier. I was given some pork belly awhile back. Here, it usually comes in a 1 pound chunk, and they call it "side pork", which means uncured bacon. I have never seen a large package of "pork belly". But if I did, I would be tempted to make "cracklin's" out of it, and eat it as a snack, like pork rind. If you do get some, try this:I'm already considering trying a pork belly next time i see it on special.. or a bit of flank steak.