Danger's New Labels

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Chief Bottlewasher
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I made some labels while at work today. I'm getting better at this. I've been making some wine for special friends and family lately...

For my friend Kelly West, who dotated the Concord Grapes. She'll like the name! She's a wild one! LOL

For my oldest stepdaughter, Jessica. She wanted strawberry wine.

For my youngest stepdaughter who just joined the USAF. Some peach mango that is going to be awesome when she comes home in a few months!

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Nice labels, Dave. I really like the first one.
Dave this is the first time I can honestly say I don't have a favorite. I love each and everyone of them. You really did an awesome job on them and I would love to see your step daughters face when she comes home and sees her label.:try
Thanks everyone! I really like them, too. Actually, Rocky, I'm using an old version of Corel Draw 9 I've had on my computer for years. I'm familiar with it, and it works great for this.
For my friend, Mark Hamann, who's wife loves the Blackberry Merlot---so I'm making them a batch. The picture is of Johann Georg Hamann, the 18th century German philosopher, and Mark's ancestor. He's gonna love it!
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Thanks, all! Encouragement helps. Now, if I could just do them faster!
Very nice, Dave - not to be picky, but check the spelling of your name on the Hamann one before you print them. Great job - wish I could do labels like this!
Very nice, Dave - not to be picky, but check the spelling of your name on the Hamann one before you print them. Great job - wish I could do labels like this!

Good eye, Dugger! Thanks!
A label for the Riesling I just bottled, and a redo of my Triple Berry Lemon (Skeeter Pee) label.

