Pumpkinman, I used this method but after 8 months I have no carbonation in my bottles, I made a Chardonnay kit from WinExpert, so I am thinking in doing 2 things: 1) rebottle in regular bottles and use it as any other white wine, but I am afraid they are going to explode later, or just opening every bottle and put yeast and sugar again, what would be the best solution in your experience?
did you use the sorbate and sulfite from the kit? if so its unlikley you can make bubbly from the base wine.
did you prep the yeast?
did the encapsulated yeast get stored somewhere hot or in the freezer? if so the yeast was killed.
that would be it , in pumpkinmans first post and bzac's orginal instructions it says to hydrate and prep the yeast in water and sugar as per the encapsulated yeast manufacturers instructions
otherwise hydrating the dry encapsulated yeast in wine kills the yeast
Now I remember I soak it in sugar water, but maybe not long enough, do you think it would be wise to hydrate new yeast and replace it in every bottle? and what about adding more sugar to bottles also?