The sparkle was not successful. Funny -- never had a problem carbonating beer, but wine fights me.
The wine was 4 months old, yeast should have been in good shape. I bottled in a mixture of champagne and beer bottles, using carbonation drops. Each is good for 12 oz, so 1 in beer bottles and 2 in champagne bottles. Let the wine rest in a warm place for 4 weeks, chilled a beer bottle, and popped it.
Nada. No zip.
I figured the yeast was dead, so I made a starter with EC-1118, unbottled all the wine, and mixed in the starter, and rebottled it. Crown caps. Since it didn't carbonate, I figured the sugar from the carbonation drops would still be there.
Again, nada.
I'm disappointed, but not giving up. Next time I try it, I'll make up a starter first, blend it well, then do the carb drop thing again.
My son used them to carbonate cider and that worked great, so I figure the problem was the yeast.